Ustaz Malai Ali Malai AhmadWEDNESDAY, 18th FEBRUARY – Around 250 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) staffs and students present during a special talk, in conjunction with Maulidur Rasul celebration 1436H held at Recital Hall (Dewan Resital). 
The talk was presented by a guest speaker, Ustaz Malai Ali Malai Ahmad reminded all university community to practise work ethics according to the Rasulullah pbuh sunnahs.

According to him, a virtuous character will lead individuals to be more responsible person when performing their task; it’s a great tact and this will become example to their colleagues.

“Sayyida Ali (ra) once said; be like the flower, giving fragrance while living. People who spread fragrance in the world are the one who are virtuous, ethical and practising their Prophet’s sunnah. People cried when they die for losing him/her,” he added.

He further advice the audience to be grateful for all Allah blessings and always be patient overcoming tests from Allah.

A virtuous individual are the person with these characteristic; always be grateful and have patience. These characteristics will ensure us not to feel envious towards others,” he added more.

The talk was organised by al-Muqrashid contingent, made up of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy (FPEP), Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP), Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language (PPIB) and UMS External Centre (PLUMS).

Media and Citra Division
Photo: Deparment of Information

Sumbangan AN-NashirWEDNESDAY, 16th FEBRUARY - An-Nashir group success in their corporate social responsibilities (CSR) at Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Timbang, Kota Belud, give positive impacts to the school’s football club. The programme was held recently in conjunction with Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Maulidur Rasul celebration.

The club coach, Royneli Karso Dimis mention that UMS contribution in the form of a few boxes of football balls burn the fighting spirits within their team. This is the first time the school team have their own football balls.

“SK Timbang Football Team was the champion for last year North Zone football tournament. They were hoping to maintain their champion status during the tournament this 3rd until 4th March, 2015,” he also added that UMS present and contribution was indeed just at the right moment.

A standard six student, Irsyad Ilham Asrie, also voice his delight and thanks to UMS, especially to the group members of An-Nashir, for choosing SK Timbang to do their charity work project.

“Because of the flood recently, the school was affected and the damaged included student hostels and school’s library. Thank you UMS for your activities, it is very helpful for us, the students,” he said when met my UMS media.

A few activities were held during the CSR project; among the interesting activities are dental care demonstration by UMS Health Centre, and Motivational Talk by Kota Kinabalu, Sekolah Rendah Islam (SRI) Headmaster, Ustaz Mohd. Tarmizi Mohd.-SM(JA)

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Photo:  Rogaya Ahmad, Library

csr membakut masjid

TUESDAY, 17th FEBRUARY – While the rest of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) staffs under Al-Haqq group were busy clearing Al-Raudah cemeteries, Kg. Brunei Membakut, a group of five from Chancellery Department chose Jamek Mosque, Kg. Brunei to clean.
The mosque was previously affected by the flood, as high as one and a half feet, last month. Though the mosque was clean before by volunteers, however, the effects of the flood still can be seen.
Because of the previous clean up, the cleaning process become easier and the team, together with Atikah Enterprise staffs, focused on cleaning the cobwebs and moping the floor. This is one of another UMS' corporate social responsibilities (CSR) programme in conjunction with Maulidur Rasul celebration, UMS level this year.
Following their hunch to see the inside of the water tank for wudhu, they are shocked to discover that the water was murky with plastics in it.
The water tank covered was later open; the water drained and then cleans all the internal surface of the tank, after the mosque committee members giving them permission to do so.
A member of the mosque committee said that even though cleaning activities was done before in the inside and surrounding mosque area, but no one ever ‘touched’ the water tank.
According to her, the water tank is used by the people who pray in the mosque to perform wudhu.
Grateful with the cleaning, they mention that it was an important discovery for them since the tank was the main water source for users to perform wudhu or ablution.
Meanwhile, a Chancellery Department Assistant Registar, Norlina Kamis said that even though they are only focussing on cleaning the water tank, the mosque committee members involved in the process are also grateful for what they have done.
“The committee members also inform us that they will mention this (cleaning the water tank) in their committee meeting so that the tank will be regularly clean to keep the water pure for ablution,” she said.
For the record, the inside of the water tank is not tiled; making it hard to see dirt and the cleaning process to be harder.
Media and Citra Division

Parlimen Mahasiswa 1TUESDAY, 16th FEBRUARY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will be another step ahead towards practising democracy when UMS Student Parliament maiden session set to be held in April 2015.

Hence, UMS Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali, recently paid a courtesy call to the office of Sabah State Legislative Assembly (DUN) Speaker, Datuk Seri Panglima Salleh Tun Said Keruak.

The visit was aimed to discuss UMS' desire to hold a Student Parliament Conference and also bridging collaboration in the aspect of managing and handling the session.

According to Datuk Salleh, Student Parliament will be beneficial experiences for the students involved. The session also allows the students to comprehend the concepts and processes of debating in the Parliament.

“I hope that the students representatives involved will be able to develop their communication skills, articulate in their arguments, active in questioning and answering, blunt, critical, have an open mind and at the same time courteous while giving their opinions and views,” he said, also adding that he will be chairing the session.

UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr Mohd Harun Abdullah, gives his full support on the programme and hope that the session will develop the students’ talent and thus, supporting UMS' efforts in producing first class mind leaders.

‘Students Council’ idea, initiated by Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Rahman, the Malaysian Council of Former Elected Representatives (MUBARAK) President in 2013, will be in session with collaboration from both UMS and Sabah DUN.-ZMD(JA)

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Source: Masnahneh Masdin, HEP

PwrPoint 1TUESDAY, 17 FEBRUARY – The Information and Communication Technology Department (JTMK), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently conducted a workshop on the use of Microsoft PowerPoint to 30 school students aged 8 to 15 years old, at the community hall of Kg. Brunei, Membakut.

The half-day workshop was part of a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Al-Haqq zone in conjunction with Maulidur Rasul, UMS level this year.

The speaker, Abdul Latif Matali said, this workshop aimed to expose school students to the importance of using Microsoft PowerPoint.

“Most of the students who attended the workshop had a good basic knowledge on the use of computer and some were quite adept especially the secondary school students.

“Besides PowerPoint, we also taught them the skill to surf the internet to get materials from outside sources that could help them get additional information,” said Latif, who is also an Information Technology Officer at JTMK.

In addition to the workshop, Al-Haqq zone which comprised Chancellery Department, Bursar Department and Registrar Department also held a gotong-royong to clean the cemeteries and mosques at Kg. Brunei, Membakut. – CD (fl)

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