SPLKMTUESDAY, 09 DECEMBER – A total of 200 students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) were involved in the Community Networking Programme and Co-curriculum Carnival held at Kg. Sg. Daling, Mile 12, Sandakan, last weekend.

The programme, which was organised for 3 days and 2 nights was organised by the Curriculum and Student Development Centre (PKPP) UMS in collaboration with the Committee of Kg. Sg. Daling and Libaran Zone.

According to the Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman, he greatly appreciate the efforts undertaken by UMS to reach out to the public through its community oriented programme.

“The community should be grateful to UMS for choosing this village as their venue to hold this community-oriented activities. I believe such activity will have a big impact especially to school students around Kg. Sg. Daling, Sandakan including youths and the general community of the village who are involved with the activities directly or indirectly,” he said at the opening ceremony.

His speech was delivered by the Chairman of the Sabah Urban Development Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Cum Member of Parliament for P. 184 Libaran, Datuk Juslie Ajirol.

Datuk Seri Panglima Musa added, he hoped that this programme would be continued by UMS in the future and confident that it would be welcomed by the community.

Various activities were held throughout the programme such as motivation programmes for primary and secondary school students, gotong-royong, cleaning of the road leading to the village and the mosque, telematch, cultural activities, educational exhibitions and ‘anak angkat’ programme. – CD (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

pelaburan tidak sahTUESDAY, 09 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is concerned in bringing awareness to its staff so they do not fall into activities that violates the law.

Earlier this morning, UMS through its Chancellery Department organised a talk on Unlawful Investments for its staff, held at UMS Library Auditorium.

The talk was organised in collaboration with Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) which saw various explanations and important information shared by the guest speakers from the bank.

Among the hot topics were talks on financial crimes touching on legal and illegal investment schemes.

UMS staff were asked to report to BNM if they knew of any illegal investment schemes going around.

Meanwhile, Head of Chancellery Department, No’man Hj. Ahmad said the university will not hesitate to take action on employees found to be involved in unauthorised investments.

“At present, UMS will not take any action so as to give opportunities to staff who may be trapped into these investment schemes to analyse and think reasonably of their actions. After which they might be penalised,” he stressed when speaking on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah. – SS (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

minggu ecocampusMONDAY, 08 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through its EcoCampus Management Centre organised the EcoCampus Sustainability Week beginning today.

UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah when launching the programme said, EcoCampus Sustainability Week was a platform for all faculties, institutes and residential colleges to put forward their ideas and projects related to environmental conservation.

Themed ‘Bet the Change’, referred to UMS staff and students being the agent of change that would bring creative and innovative ideas related to sustainability on campus.

“This programme will be beneficial to the university’s commitment to protect the environment,” he said.

He added, in achieving the objective of making UMS a major player among higher education in environmental conservation in Malaysia, UMS was ready to implement the values and elements pertaining to energy conservation and e-waste management.

Throughout the EcoCampus Sustainability Week, various activities will be carried out to promote awareness on the concept of environmental sustainability and its importance to the community, including a series of lectures on energy and the environment, EcoCampus challenges as well as exhibition by the government and private agencies.

Also held at the opening of the ceremony was the signing of a Letter of Intent between UMS and the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia. – MA (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

UMS Debat EkonomiTUESDAY, 09 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) debate team A emerged champion in the Economy Debate Competition yesterday held at YTL Auditorium.
UMS A beat UiTM C of Universiti Teknologi Mara Sabah branch in the finals, bringing home cash prize of RM200, hamper and certificate.
UiTM C who was the second runner-up received cash prize of RM150, hamper and certificate.
Third place was won by UiTM through UiTM team B bringing home cash prize of RM100, hamper and certificate.
The opening and prize-presentation was officiated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), Professor Dr. Shariff AK Omang Al-Haj.
Earlier in his speech, he said the competition was very timely in training the undergrads to project ideas and express their views.
“In addition, it also increases their confidence and effective communication techniques,” he explained.
The one-day competition was organised by the Economic Planning and Development Club, Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy UMS. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Patau2 UMSKALMONDAY, 08 DECEMBER – A total of 30 Organising Committee Members (AJK) of UMS Sprint Programme consisted of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL) students organised a community programme with the villagers of Kampung Patau-Patau 1, Federal Territory of Labuan.

Assistant Registrar, Student Affairs UMSKAL, Mohd. Fadzli Sarudi said, this programme will enhance students’ soft skills to become leaders in future.

“Students are an excellent generation builder, forming their own identity and becoming role model to society. Therefore, students should be able to adapt to all conditions and situations and be able to tackle the challenges of globalisation and socialisation,” he said.

He was speaking on behalf of the Director of UMSKAL, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murnizam Haji Halik in officiating the ‘Satu Desa Sejuta Warna’ (One Village One Million Colours) at the village.

Meanwhile, programme advisor to the Student Organisation Management (POP) UMS, Ricky Chia Chee Jiun said, the programme was a form of leadership training for first year undergrads to hone their talents and open up opportunities for undergrads to engage in community activities, leadership and unity among village community with the hope to nurture and produce a proactive, creative and innovative generation.

The programme themed ‘Satu Desa Sejuta Warna’ was organised by the Student Organisation Management UMSKAL and was conducted for a day targeted at primary school students ranging from seven to 12 years. – SS (fl)

Source: Azri Onn

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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