neoart latestsWEDNESDAY, 19 NOVEMBER - Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), through Visual Arts Technology Programme (PSTV) from Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), will be organizing a Borneo Art Exhibition from 29th until 30th November 2014 at Suria Sabah shopping mall.

This programme, which is also a collaboration with UMS Chancellery Department, will be exhibiting students’ and academicians’ from FKSW art works and pieces. The exhibition involved paintings, sculptures and ceramics which revolve in native Borneo arts and specifically related to Sabah arts.

Head of Programme of Visual Technology Arts (PSTV), Norhayati Ayon said that there will be around 50 of the best collections from the students and lecturers, with native Borneo arts theme owned by PTSV since 2005 that will be exhibited.

She added that there will be a two dimension (2D) art works; paintings that can be in watercolour, oil, charcoal and also pencils, and a three dimension (3D) art works; sculptures made of iron, wood, ceramics and recycled discarded materials.

“We will also provide a digital corner that will show students’ collections including short film, documentary and animation with Borneo thematic stories especially Sabah’s folklores,” she said.

According to her, other than showcasing PTSV’ best collections, the exhibitions will open up opportunities to all PTSV undergraduate students to showcase their art works at the special corner in the exhibition, which will be known as ‘Bazar Seni’.

“We hope that through this two types of exhibitions, the new current students will be able to gain experiences and knowledge on how to exhibits and markets their works to the communities,” she said.

With ‘Sabah Tanah Airku’ theme, Norhayati also mention that the exhibition is also aims to help collecting funds for the less capable and fortunate students to lighten up their burden during their studies in PTSV Programme.

“Hence, the publics are welcome to buy the art works, from both the best collections and students’ art works that, will be displayed in the exhibition,” she explained.

The organiser also welcomes corporate and private organisations to come and attend the Borneo Art Exhibition. They are also encourages to buy the exhibited works to be collect and display as their companies’ collection.

For further information about Borneo Art Exhibition 2014 – NeoArtex 2014, please contact M Fazmi Hisham (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel: 088-320000 ext 2647), Norhayati Ayob (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel: 088-320000 ext 2719), or Addley Bromeo Bianus (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. tel: 088-320000 ext 2707) at Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, Arts Block, UMS.

Source: M Fazmi Hisham, FKSW
Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

seminar kreatifTUESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER – Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) through Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Student Arts Club (KARMA) organized a Creative Industry Management Seminar recently.

The seminar, held at Theatrette Ahmad Nisfu, FKSW Building aimed to produce more credible and competence students in the creative industry.

UMS Publication Officer, Ainun Jamil explained in the seminar that every person has potentials to be a writer, but only with perseverance efforts do they able to achieve what they dreamt of in the writing field.

“Various challenges need to be face by writers in this area. Some of them are lack of ideas to write, writer’s block, pressure, and challenges at work or study place. These problems need to be dealt with for them to start writing.”

“Hence, this programme is organized in hope of giving exposures on the aspects that making the set-back to the writer’s writing ability. This programme also aimed to give awareness to students upon the vast opportunities that lie ahead in writing creative books,” she said.

During the seminar, students are exposed to the procedures involved in producing until publication of a writing piece; a thing that hopefully enkindle their spirits to keep on producing creative pieces in the future.

Source: Jasman Bandar, FKSW
Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Bola JaringSELASA, 18 NOVEMBER - Meskipun berdepan cabaran menetang nama-nama besar, ia sedikit pun tidak melunturkan semangat juang Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) untuk merangkul pingat emas pada Kejohanan Bola Jaring Piala Toh Puan 2014 baru-baru ini.

Mula bermain dengan corak perlahan pada pusingan akhir menentang Persatuan Bekas Penuntut Maktab Sabah (OSCA), kedua-dua pasukan terikat dengan jaringan 6-6 pada separuh masa pertama.

Rentak permainan bertukar pantas apabila kedua-dua pasukan saling berbalas serangan dengan jaringan-jaringan cantik pada separuh masa kedua yang menyaksikan UMS terus unggul dengan kemenangan bergaya 15-13 menewaskan pasukan OSCA di tempat kedua.

Dalam pada itu, ketua pasukan UMS, Echristella Geordie Akup ketika ditemui berkata, kejayaan mereka diraih hasil semangat berpasukan dan keyakinan tinggi yang dipamerkan oleh para pemain.

“Kejayaan ini akan menjadi penyuntik semangat untuk kami terus memberi saingan pada kejohanan-kejohanan yang akan datang,” tambahnya lagi.

Kejuaraan itu juga sekali gus membolehkan UMS menerima hadiah berupa wang tunai RM 1,000, piala pusingan serta piala iringan.

Seorang pemain UMS, Dayang Anak Manggie turut dinobatkan sebagai Pemain Terbaik kejohanan.

Kejohanan anjuran Persatuan Bola Jaring Sabah (SABANA) itu dirasmikan isteri Yang Di-Pertua Negeri Sabah, Toh Puan Datuk Seri Panglima Hajah Norlida Datuk R.M Jasni.-ZMD

Bahagian Media dan Citra
Jabatan Canselori

Perarakan Berjubah KK 1TUESDAY, 18 NOVEMBER – Knowledge acquired while studying at the university should be properly utilised in order to generate integrity and efficacy of all aspects of the development of the country, whether from the economic, political or social aspects.

This was stated by the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah in his speech during UMS Town & Gown Parade in the capital city of Kota Kinabalu, yesterday.

He said that at this competitive age, graduates should not be complacent but should always be alert and responsive to changes so as not to be left behind.

“Knowledge and experience should serve as the basis and guidelines in realising the vision of the country in line with our responsibilities in supporting the university’s motto ‘Strive to Excel’, he said.

At the ceremony, 67 graduands were given a key as a symbol of acceptance to Kota Kinabalu city by the Mayor of Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK), Datuk Abidin Madingkir.

Datuk Abidin said it was a recognition for the graduates as an educated and professional generation who will be the leaders of tomorrow.

“The Town & Gown Parade is a pride of the city because it is a sign of the existence of a higher learning institution that has produced thousands of graduates in the city of Kota Kinabalu in particular, and in Sabah in general,” he added.

The Town & Gown Parade in the city of Kota Kinabalu marched as far as 0.8 kilometres from Kota Kinabalu Community Hall to DBKK building in conjunction with UMS 16th Convocation Ceremony this year. – ZMD (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

FPP pascaMONDAY, 17 NOVEMBER - Postgraduate students of Educational Management program, Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) has organized a conflict management workshop at Grorich Hall, SMK St. Patrick, Tawau recently.

The workshop, conducted by the Director of Mind the Gap Research and Training, Dr. Scott Jones from United Kingdom was participated by 18 postgraduate students and 3 teachers from SMK St. Patrick.

Dr. Scott Jones used interactive approaches during the workshop including discussion, role play and team building.

He also shared his experience in conflict management across Asia, South Pacific, Africa, Central America and Europe with the participants.

According to the program coordinator, Dr. Siew Nyet Moi @ Sopiah Abdullah, the participants showed full commitment and actively involved during the workshop.

“Even though some of the participants are not well verse in English conversation, they have participated enthusiastically by voicing out their views, contributing to more enjoyable and meaningful learning experience,” she added.

The workshop was held for two days and certificates were given to the participants during the last day of the workshop by Dr. Sopiah Abdullah, representing the Dean of FPP, Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim.-HH

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department
Source: Faculty of Psychology and Education 




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