JomMasukU 1THURSDAY, 10 APRIL The Higher Learning Institutions Carnival 2014 or better known as ‘Jom Masuk U’ is back for it’s 10th edition this year. It will be held from 12 – 13 April 2014 at 1 Borneo Hyper mall, Kota Kinabalu.

This ‘signature programme’ is an outreach programme organised by the Ministry of Education Malaysia (KPM) and had been receiving overwhelming response especially from Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) and Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) school leavers from around Sabah.

KPM has been using the tagline ‘Jom Masuk U’ to educate and motivate the youngsters and to disseminate correct and latest information on education opportunities at the ivory tower.

The public especially SPM and STPM school leavers are welcome as there would be education exhibition, entrance information, quizzes, counselling services from public and private higher learning institutions including polytechnics, Community Colleges, Public Skills Training Institute, Government Agencies; as well as counselling on sponsorships, scholarships, banks etc.

The Carnival starts from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. - FL

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Getar2014THURSDAY, 10 APRIL – The Cultural and Arts Exco of Residential College Anugerah Bestari (Kolej AB), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is organising a ‘Gerak Tari 2014 Festival’ or ‘Festival Getar 2014’. The event is held at the Dewan Resital or Recital Hall of the School of Arts, UMS. It started yesterday and will end tomorrow which incidentally is the final day of the festival.

Among the activities featured are dancing workshop, voice competition, dance art competition and a traditional wear presentation.

The participants are not only from UMS but also from higher learning institutions and schools in and around Kota Kinabalu. Among them are Masterskill, ATI College, All Saints Secondary School, KK High School, Tamparuli Secondary School, Shan Tao Secondary School, SMK Kolombong, SMK Tansau and SM St. Peter.

The final day of Festival Getar 2014 is on Friday with the official closing ceremony at the same venue starting at 8.00 pm to be officiated by the Director of UMS Alumni Centre, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmud Sudin. The winners are also expected to be announced at the closing ceremony.

This festival is also in collaboration with the Cultural and Arts Department Sabah and the Sabah Cultural Board and will feature the best three performances for each category. 

All are welcome to witness this event.- FL

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

WFTGA 08.04.14 1TUESDAY, 08 APRIL – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) today officially became the only other training centre in the world for the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (WFTGA) course, after University of Cyprus.

The launching ceremony of the training centre was officiated by Datuk Pang Nyuk Ming, Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment who represented Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment Sabah held at the Galeri, Chancellery Building, UMS.

In his speech read by Datuk Pang, Datuk Masidi said that Sabah had blossomed into a tourist destination to be reckoned with amongst others in the world, and included that a tourist guide remained an important ambassador of the country.

“I am pleased that those discussions in 2012 came to fruition today,” he said, referring to the first recce done by the then President of WFTGA, Rosalind Newlands who surveyed the local attractions, and UMS as a potential partner; culminating into the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement in January 2013 at the 15th Convention of WFTGA held in Macau, China.

Earlier, in his speech read by Prof. Dr. Shahril Yusof, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation) UMS, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah acknowledged the goal of WFTGA courses in providing further training to uplift a guide’s professionalism. This was to comply with the ASEAN Tourism standards by 2015.

Current WFTGA President, Felicitas Wressnig mentioned that the association was proud to have more than 82 countries as members and welcomed the first cohort of participants both locally and internationally.

The official launching ceremony was also attended by Grace Leong, President of Sabah Tourist Guide Association (STGA); Iris Barry, WFTGA Trainer; Roger Rajah, Trainer and Course Director for the International Training Centre (ITC) Sabah and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rasid Mail, Dean of the School of Business and Economics, UMS. – FL

Photo: Johaidi Ismail, CRD, UMS

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department


IMG 6200WEDNESDAY, 09 APRIL – More than 50 participants of the 1st Regional Conference On Campus Sustainability (1RCCS) 2014 took part in a tree-planting activity held at the Chancellery Building car park adjacent grounds. The simple and brief tree-planting activity was part of the conference’s Forestation Programme and was seen to be one of the steps for campus sustainability.

The early morning activity was led by the Director of EcoCampus Management Centre, Dr. Awangku Hassanal Bahar bin Pengiran Bagul who touched on the reason why Gaharu or Agarwood was selected as the chosen tree for this activity. This was followed by a briefing on tree-planting by a senior lecturer on Wood Technology and Industry of the School of International Tropical Forestry (SPTA) UMS, Ag. Ahmad bin Mohd. Yunus.

About 63 Gaharu or Agarwood saplings were planted; where the soil were later covered with residual wood, free of wood chemical to trap moisture which in time would turn into organic fertiliser. The planting activity was supervised by senior lecturers and lecturers from SPTA, UMS.

With the theme “Building Sustainability Edge Through Institutional Strategy”, the Regional Conference was organised in collaboration with Universiti Malaya and the Higher Education Leadership Academy (AKEPT) and the Palawan State University of Philippines.

The tree-planting activity however was in cooperation with EcoCampus Management Centre, SPTA and the Office for International Affairs (PHEA). – FL

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department 

UHEIMkahwin-2014 1TUESDAY, 08 APRIL – The Mosque and Islamic Affairs Unit (UHEIM), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in collaboration with the Islamic Affairs Department Sabah will be organising an Islamic Pre-Marriage Course Series 1/2014 from 19 – 20 April 2014.

The course will be held at the Postgraduate Hall, UMS starting from 7.30 am until 5.30 pm.

Entrance fee is RM100.00 only and closing date is on 15 April 2014.

More information can be obtained from Ustaz Yusri Sumin at 012-8538395 or 088-320000 extension 2742. You can also go to or their Facebook page


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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