mbr 1stdayMonday, 20 January – Moment of truth to break the Malaysia Book of Records (MBoR) in The Longest Distance of Running on a Treadmill by a Group started around 4.45 at the main entrance of 1 Borneo, Kota Kinabalu.

The event which will take 264 hours, for 11 days start today and will end on the 31st of January will involve 9 athletes who are also students from School of Education and Social Development.

“I’m convinced with the permission and determination from the Malaysia Book of Records 2014 from UMS, we will witness another history recorded here in the Land Below the Wind,” the Sabah Minister of Youth and Sports, Datuk Tawfiq bin Datuk Haji Abu Bakar Titingan. His text was read by the Sabah Assistant Minister of Youth and Sports YB Tuan Masiung Banah.

Earlier in his speech, Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun said, he was very proud with the UMS students’ involvement in realizing the dream to establish a record in the MBoR.

These proved the UMS students ability are extradordinary, while the involvement of one special need student also proved that UMS will always recognized and concerned to these special persons.

Datuk Dr. Harun also urged the sport spirit and culture will always instill in us in order to contribute to the organization excellence.

The historic moment was also witnessed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), Prof. Dr. Shariff Abdul Kadir bin S. Omang Al-Haj, Dean of SPPS, Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim, UMS staffs and students.

Media Division Chancellory Department, the official UMS Media will always updating information and new updates of this event through UMS website, Facebook and Twitter account.  

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taklimat skim
Friday, 17 January – UMS staff from 16 service scheme will receive improvement in accordant with the announcement of 2014 Budget by the Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Abdul Razak.

Luqman Ridha Anwar, Head of Human Resource Division said, among schemes involved with the improvements are general assistant, agriculture assistant, craftsman, driver, public health assistant, technician, assistant engineer, draughtsman, designer and also photographer.

According to him, the new service circular by the Public Service Department regarding the improvement of 81 schemes included legislation of 1 new service scheme, improvements of 73 service schemes and 7 obsolete service schemes, and annulment of 131 obsolete service schemes.

He also mention, other than new rates of annual increment to the public service government, the implementation improvement are also give chances to the government servants to master skills or expertise in various fields and career advancement opportunity and staff mobility.

It was mention during the 81 Service Scheme Improvement in accordant to the 2014 Budget Talk to more than 150 UMS staffs here in UMS Gallery.

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TUESDAY, 07 JANUARYUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Chairman of the Board of Directors (LPU), Tun Dato’ Seri Zaki bin Tun Azmi today advised UMS staff to continue in their efforts to bring the university to a higher level.

According to him, negative cultures like procrastination should not exist among educators and university administrators.

“Try to asses if we can put UMS better than other local universities before we compete with international universities,” he said.

In addition, he also suggested that each UMS academician must produce articles according to their respective disciplines to contribute to educational excellence in the country.

“If each academician could write at least an article a year, it would uplift UMS in the national and international levels,” he added.

He also advised UMS staff to change the old work culture to a fast moving and efficient work culture by placing clearer goals so that the vision and mission of the university can be achieved.

He was speaking at a meeting with academic staff of UMS at the Auditorium of UMS Postgraduate Studies Centre. – ZMD (FL)


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JAKMAS IPTAWEDNESDAY, 08 JANUARYUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Residential College Cemerlang Dinamik (Kolej CD) had recently organised a programme on Excellence and Professionalism on Student Committee Leadership (JAKMAS) Public Higher Learning Institutions (IPTA) Sabah.

The programme was participated by 110 members of JAKMAS Residential Colleges UMS, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu and Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Kota Kinabalu branch which was held for three days at the Biro Tata Negara Kundasang Camp.

Head of Kolej CD, Dr. Mohamad Nizam when contacted said the programme was appropriate in efforts to strengthen the role of JAKMAS in helping their IPTA to care for the welfare of students staying in residential colleges.

He said it was also a way to sharpen and give exposure in self-esteem and leadership abilities thus answering to the call made by the government to produce competitive human capital who will inherit the country’s leadership in future.

Meanwhile, participants interviewed said the programme was beneficial in helping to carry out their responsibilities as JAKMAS representative at their respective residential colleges.

For participants from UMS Colleges, Khairul Azmi Mustafa, who was fortunate to have the opportunity to be able to join the programme which exposed him to the variety of leadership skill. He summed up that a leader should be fair and just.

Another participant from UMS, Mohamad Shuib Norudin expressed that the programme taught him how to be a leader with credibility and lasting. He also agreed that a leader should have an open mind.

A participant from Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Nurul Ain Syazwani Gunggurod also agreed that the programme exposed them to be an effective leadership and hoped that such programme for IPTA be continued in future.

The programme was jointly organised by Council of Residential College Principals (MAPEK) UMS, Student Affairs Department and the Ministry of Education Malaysia, also featured a consultant, Prof. Adj. Dr. Noorhisham Mohd. Alwi.

The opening and closing ceremony was officiated by a representative of MAPEK UMS, Mat Usup Hj. Rasid. Also present were residential colleges’ heads of the respective IPTA. – SS (FL)


Source: Kolej CD

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seminar sukanTUESDAY, 07 JANUARYSports Industry Division, Youth and Sports Ministry (KBS) and Residential College Cemerlang Dinamik (Kolej CD) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently organised a Career Guidance Seminar in the Sports Industry. The event was held at the Main Lecture Halls (DKP) 4 and was supported by the Youth and Sports Department Sabah, UMS Residential College Heads (MAPEK) and the Student Affairs and Alumni Department UMS.

The talk started with an introduction of the sports industry by the KBS Sports Industry Divisional Secretary, Ibrahim Mohd Yusof. At the session, participants were exposed to the sports industry world statistics and career opportunities.

The following session was conducted by the Sports Marketing Consultant, Zulkifli Shahari. He was the Assistant General Manager Sports Marketing Telekom Malaysia Berhad and shared his experience in soliciting for sponsors and the rules of private companies in making decision on sponsorship for sports.

The final session was conducted by sports marketing icon, Muhamed Shafique Mohamad Iqbal. He was in the process of bidding for the speed boat racing competition in Malaysia and had touched on business opportunities in sports.

Meanwhile, Head of Kolej CD, Dr. Mohamad Nizam Hj. Nazarudin hoped that the course would be a platform for students to know more about career opportunities and potential towards the development and advancement the sporting industry. He was confident that the participants would be able to grasp the explanation given and knowledge especially the career prospects in sports.

The official closing ceremony was done by the Director of Youth and Sports Department Sabah, Datuk Haji Mohd Dahali Haji Matsin. In his speech, he said that emphasis was given to the opportunities in the sports industry especially in Sabah.

He added that his department would continue to cooperate with Kolej CD UMS in organising courses such as this in future. Datuk Haji Mohd Dahali presented certificate of attendance to the 110 participants who had participated in the seminar. – SS (FL)

Source: Kolej CD

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