menara jamWEDNESDAY, 1 JANUARY 2014 – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) became the first Public Higher Learning Institution to have a clock tower in its campus.

The clock tower reaching to a height of 9 metres would be built in the middle of UMS roundabout, and set to be a new landmark, the pride of UMS community.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah when officiating at the function said that the UMS clock tower was a symbolic of the importance of time for intellectuals and the learned, and essential in inculcating the discipline of time not only for students but also staff of UMS.

“By observing time, UMS community will practice the culture of punctuality and to use time wisely,” he said.

Earlier, in his speech during the launching of UMS 20th Anniversary, he said the university had done much in its contributions especially towards the community in Sabah since its inception.

He said, the building of branches and research centres throughout the state indicated that UMS as an institutional knowledge were close to the community.

“Over the last 20 years, UMS has contributed to the community in terms of job opportunities, a comprehensive study of the historical, social, cultural, economic, linguistic, security, UMS experts consultancy services to government departments and undergraduates services at all corners of Sabah. This will be continued from time to time,” he said.

More than 1,000 UMS community consisting of the university’s Principal Officers, Deans and Heads of Departments including students attended the ceremony. – MA (FL)


Media Division
Chancellery Department

vcTUESDAY, 31 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) welcomes the implementation of 11 austerity measures to reduce spending in the public sector starting 1 January 2014 as announced by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yesterday.

Quoting UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah during a talk on ‘Income Generation in Public Varsities’ recently, he said the move would save funds allocated by the government to the university.

Ideas to generate income by each Department, School, Centre, Institute and Unit (JSPIU) in UMS would help to reduce relying on allocation given in efforts to help the government to reduce annual expenses.

The Vice-Chancellor also reminded all Heads of Treasury (PTJ) UMS to undertake activities agreed based on the concept of ‘prudent spending’ to avoid wastage.

“I hope every PTJ would help the university by being mindful in their spending, be prudent in making decisions that involved the financial resources of the university and the government,” he said in his speech when opening the Budget Consultation Workshop recently.

The 11 austerity measures announced by the Prime Minister were:

1.       A 10 percent reduction in entertainment allowances of ministers and deputy ministers, as well as five to 10 percent of senior government officials in the Public Sector Principal Post C (JUSA C) and above.
2.       Five percent reduction in electric utility costs in all ministries, departments, agencies and government premises.
3.       RM50 to RM100 or 30 percent reduction in toll payment for senior government officers (JUSA C and above).
4.       Freeze in new applications for office renovation in ministries, departments, agencies and government premises.
5.       Tighten the appointment of consultants for government physical projects including feasibility study, while the proposed new appointment must be submitted to the National Development Planning Committee chaired by the Secretary-General for approval.
6.       Reduction in the use of event management companies and door gifts for conference or government events involving government administrators and public service staff.
7.       Eligibility amendment to domestic and international airline tickets. It includes the use of economy class for domestic sector for JUSA C and below.
8.       Reduction in food and beverage during conferences, seminars, meetings, courses, workshops or any official government event.
9.       Reduction in the use of banners for the organisation of conferences, seminar, meetings, courses, workshops or government official events.
10.   Optimising existing office space to reduce rental of premises.
11.   Adopting the National Blue Ocean Strategy (NBOS) to optimise the use of the 1Malaysia Training Centre (1MTC) and facilities in government-owned training institutions for courses, seminars and workshops. – ZMD


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Chancellery Department


Naib Canselor UMS3MONDAY, 30 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah advised students to thoroughly scrutinise any news obtained through social media so as not to cause any confusion.

He said this when asked to comment on rumours about the issue on cleanliness at UMS Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL) which was reported to be unclean and had caused food poisoning among its students.

He said the university will not hesitate to take action against operators that do not take care of the cleanliness of its premises as well as on food preparation.

“So far I have not received any complaints from the students about the cleanliness issue of the campus. If there are any complaints, UMSKAL Director would surely have kept me informed,” he said.

He added that the university will take stern action against canteen operators that do not ensure the cleanliness of its premises as it could threaten the health and safety of students.

“If there are complaints, we will not compromise. UMS always take its students’ safety seriously,” he insisted. – ZMD

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Chancellery Department                                                                       

ums ipsom2MONDAY, 30 DECEMBERUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and the Malaysian Public Security Institute (IPSOM) will collaborate in a safety-related study pertaining to security on the waters of Sabah.

UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah in a press conference said the collaboration will cover the vast waters of Sabah, starting from Kudat to Semporna.

“Sabah is exposed to various threats such as arms smuggling, human and drug trafficking. With UMS’ expertise in the areas of safety, this collaboration would surely have an impact on national security and defence. This is a positive development not only for academics but also to the safety enforcement agency, especially IPSOM which is still in its infancy,” he said.

He added that UMS today held a meeting to discuss on Water Security Research Collaboration with IPSOM and safety enforcement agencies such as the Police (PDRM), Royal Malaysian Navy (TLDM), Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (APMM), Sabah Ports Authority (LPPS) and others to discuss initial research cooperation which would be carried out soon.

“The initial step is through social research involving a survey on the local community which is expected to take between 3 and 6 months. The meeting today is to refine the questionnaires to be distributed in certain areas,” he stated.

The meeting was chaired by the Chief Executive of IPSOM, Dato’ Dr. Hj. Abd. Rahman Hj. Ismail. - MA


Media Division
Chancellery Department

herba sabahTHURSDAY, 26 DECEMBERMaterials and Minerals Research Unit, School of Engineering and Information Technology (SKTM), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) researchers confirmed that local herbs and spices, especially those from Sabah contained many health benefits.

The study was conducted by UMS researchers consisting of SKTM Phytochemical Process Researchers, Dr. Wong Nyet Kui and Dr. Sivakumar Kumaresan in collaboration with Pop Nzyme Sdn. Bhd. researchers on 10 products developed by the company using local herbs and spices from Sabah.

Among the local herbs and spices used in the products were Oak galls, Eurycoma longifolia, cinnamon, Ganoderma and ginger. Pop Nzyme Sdn. Bhd. owner, Edward Leong had developed these products using grapes enzyme as the main ingredient. The research team had also conducted an antioxidant, anti-microbial and cytotoxicity of the products developed.

The study found that all the products had high level of antioxidants, which was above the level of inhibition of 80% even with low concentrations. Products with high levels of antioxidants can promote anti-aging process and had been linked to an increase in the body’s immune system.

In addition, one of Pop Nzyme products, POP P2 which contained extracts of Oak galls, showed a high level of antioxidants and also strong anti-microbial properties. This means that POP P2 was able to protect the body in the event of infection. In addition, two products of POP P2 contained Oak galls and PE10, which contained Eurycoma longifolia, producing a moderate cytotoxicity, which showed some anti-cancer effects.

The company is currently developing more products from local herbs and spices found in Sabah because it was found that they were safe and effective. Through the collaborative study, UMS research team had successfully helped Pop Nzyme Sdn. Bhd. in identifying the specialty of the products produced, and will continue in their efforts to help local herbs and spices producers following the success of this research.

Source: Dr. Sivakumar Kumaresan , SKTM

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Chancellery Department



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