sukiptFRIDAY, 07 FEBRUARYThe Higher Learning Institution Games which entered its third day today saw Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) contingent added more medals to the medal tally by collecting one gold, one silver and one bronze as of 4.00 pm today.

The gold was contributed through 400 metres men hurdles, silver through 400 metres women hurdles and bronze through 1,500 metres women.

With the new addition, the medal standing for UMS contingent is 2 gold, 4 silver and 5 bronze.

UMS had earlier earned several medals through Taekwondo. The first gold was contributed through Pomsae Men Group, followed by silver in Pomsae Women Individual and bronze through Pomsae Women Group, Pomsae Mixed and Pomsae Men Individual events.

Two silver medals were added through the Javelin Women category and Men Shot Putt. Another bronze were further added to UMS bronze medal standing through athletics in the 5,000 metres Women.

Head of UMS Secretariat, Charles Thomas when contacted said, UMS team still had the potential of adding more medals to the medal tally as there were still some athletes who had yet to compete in the finals.

“Among some of the final events involving UMS athletes are the 4x100 metres Women and Javelin,” he disclosed.

The championship will go on until 16 February 2014 at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) and is participated by 107 contingents from both the public and private higher learning institutions. – SS (FL)

Photo source: SUKIPT portal 2014

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Dr. Mohd Ariff Arshad

FRIDAY, 07 FEBRUARY – Director of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Health Centre, Dr. Mohd. Ariff Arshad today advised staff and students of UMS not to panic over the issue of H1N1 flu virus reported in the media yesterday.

He said that although the report created quite a stir among the community, however early prevention would prevent a person from being infected.

“Avoid being in crowded places and always practice good hygiene to prevent infection,” he said.

He also reminded all to seek treatment immediately if there were symptoms such as fever, persistent cough, fatigue, sore throat, headache, muscle aches and persistent sneezing.

Yesterday, the Director of Likas Women and Children Hospital, Dr. Tan Bee Hwai confirmed that five children and two adult caregivers were tested positive for the H1N1 virus.

However, the Deputy Director-General of Health Ministry, Datuk Dr Lokman Hakim Sulaiman in his statement yesterday said that the H1N1 flu virus was now similar to the seasonal flu and was no longer considered as pandemic.

He said the World Health Organisation (WHO) had stopped monitoring the virus after 2010 as the signs of infection, risks and death were similar to the other seasonal flu and that preventive measures had been identified.

“We have also stopped monitoring the disease because it is like any other normal flu,” he clarified in a national newspaper whilst describing that the case at the Likas Children and Women Hospital was an isolated one. – ZMD & SS (FL)


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department


mantanani 1THURSDAY, 6 FEBRUARY – The Student Literary Club (KARMA), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) had recently organised School of Arts (SPS) Adopt-a-Child Programme at Pulau Mantanani, Kota Belud for two days involving 59 pupils of SK Pulau Mantanani.

A total of 11 KARMA club members and one UMS student took part in this programme organised by this Club at the island.

According to the Programme Director, Norasitah Abdul Kinu, the goal of the programme was beneficial for both sides especially to the pupils of SK Pulau Mantanani in terms of self-motivation, learning and community service.

“Increased motivation should be nurtured among the pupils of rural schools so that they would work hard and succeed in their studies,” she said.”

“Because of the distance, exposure towards the importance of studying and fostering motivation were given less attention and KARMA took the initiative to increase self-motivation of the pupils here,” added Norasitah who is also a native of this island before her family moved to Kota Belud.

In addition to the motivational talk, training-in-groups (LDK) was held throughout the programme. Among other activities held were talentime, appreciation dinner, telematch, jungle trekking and cleaning-up of the school. – CD – (FL)


Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department


THURSDAY, 6 FEBRUARY – Recognising the importance of student involvement in community activities, a group of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) students responded the call by joining a trip Tanjung Labian Village, Lahad Datu recently.
The programme which was jointly organised by FELDA Publicity Unit was participated by eight students of UMS and was aimed at training them in reaching out to the rural community besides extending various forms of humanitarian assistance.
According to the Head of Publicity Sabah, Asmarah Rikun; the visit indirectly helped build their self-esteem to be more responsible and sensitive toward community issues.
“Counselling sessions which were conducted by psychology students of UMS with the local residents helped eased their burden in terms of their, to some extent,” he said.
Meanwhile, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Hj Kasim Hj Md Mansur when contacted by Chancellery media said the university had always hoped that students would continue to contribute in social activities.
“The involvement of all students in such activities could teach the young people to appreciate the harmony and sovereignty of our country,” he added.
During the programme, UMS students distributed goods from various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to the residents of Tanjung Labian Village besides the opportunity to visit the Control Camps of the Malaysian Army based in the area. – ZMD (FL)
Citra and Media Division
Chancellery Department

csr pendaftarMONDAY, 03 FEBRUARYMore than 50 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) staff took part in a charitable activity conducted in conjunction with Maulidur Rasul, at Serigai Village, Putatan.

The programme organised by the Registrar Department of UMS was supported by the surrounding communities and UMNO Youth Division who jointly carried out the activity at the village’s mosque.

UMS Registrar, Datuk Abdullah Hj. Mohd Said said the activity was part of the department’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) besides being able to mingle with the local residents.

“This programme could instill good values in each of us besides strengthening relationship between employees and residents of the village,” he said when officiating the event. His speech was delivered by the Head of Human Resources, Luqman Ridha Anwar.

When the clean-up and repainting of mosque were done, the participants then congregated to perform the Zuhur prayers before listening to a Maulidul Rasul tazkirah which was presented by an invited speaker, Haji Lamsin Anggali. – MA (FL)


Photo: Johaidi Ismail, BPK


Media Division
Chancellery Department



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