seminar sukanTUESDAY, 07 JANUARYSports Industry Division, Youth and Sports Ministry (KBS) and Residential College Cemerlang Dinamik (Kolej CD) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently organised a Career Guidance Seminar in the Sports Industry. The event was held at the Main Lecture Halls (DKP) 4 and was supported by the Youth and Sports Department Sabah, UMS Residential College Heads (MAPEK) and the Student Affairs and Alumni Department UMS.

The talk started with an introduction of the sports industry by the KBS Sports Industry Divisional Secretary, Ibrahim Mohd Yusof. At the session, participants were exposed to the sports industry world statistics and career opportunities.

The following session was conducted by the Sports Marketing Consultant, Zulkifli Shahari. He was the Assistant General Manager Sports Marketing Telekom Malaysia Berhad and shared his experience in soliciting for sponsors and the rules of private companies in making decision on sponsorship for sports.

The final session was conducted by sports marketing icon, Muhamed Shafique Mohamad Iqbal. He was in the process of bidding for the speed boat racing competition in Malaysia and had touched on business opportunities in sports.

Meanwhile, Head of Kolej CD, Dr. Mohamad Nizam Hj. Nazarudin hoped that the course would be a platform for students to know more about career opportunities and potential towards the development and advancement the sporting industry. He was confident that the participants would be able to grasp the explanation given and knowledge especially the career prospects in sports.

The official closing ceremony was done by the Director of Youth and Sports Department Sabah, Datuk Haji Mohd Dahali Haji Matsin. In his speech, he said that emphasis was given to the opportunities in the sports industry especially in Sabah.

He added that his department would continue to cooperate with Kolej CD UMS in organising courses such as this in future. Datuk Haji Mohd Dahali presented certificate of attendance to the 110 participants who had participated in the seminar. – SS (FL)

Source: Kolej CD

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Chancellery Department

senamsihatMONDAY, 06 JANUARY – Chief Minister cum Pro-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Datuk Seri Musa Aman said the Healthy Exercise Programme which was held in conjunction with this year’s celebration of Maulidur Rasul was an innovation in efforts to strengthen ties and cultural cooperation among the community.

He said, through such innovation, Maulidur Rasul which was celebrated each year no longer focus on religious programmes but also included health programmes such as exercise which was participated by people from all walks of life.

“Health is very important not only for religious purposes but also to fulfil the responsibilities and duties entrusted to us efficiently and effectively,” he said.

He said this in his speech which was read by Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister, Datuk Haji Mohd. Arifin Haji Mohd. Arif at the Healthy Exercise Programme held in conjunction with the Maulidur Rasul 1435H celebration at UMS Sports Complex.

Earlier, UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah said the programme was fitting to ease any tension faced by students as UMS was in the midst of the semester exams.

“To all UMS students, besides being busy in preparation for the exams, don’t forget the Almighty. Ask for His blessings for a clear mind and soul,” he added.

The Healthy Exercise Programme was organised by the Dakwah Foundation of Malaysia (YADIM) in collaboration with Bank Muamalat and the Student Affairs and Alumni Department (HEP) UMS and successfully assembled 1435 participants consisting of staff and students of UMS. – ZMD (FL)

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Chancellery Department

setem umsFRIDAY, 03 JANUARY 2014Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) today launched its special edition stamps collection in conjunction with its 20th anniversary.

The replica of the special edition stamps were handed over to UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah by the representative of Pos Malaysia Sabah Branch, Mudin Murah in a simple ceremony held at the Executive Board Meeting Room, UMS.

The launching of the stamps was part of a collaboration through the Blue Ocean Strategy Registrar Department, UMS with Pos Malaysia since 12 July 2013, where Post Malaysia offered the ‘Post On Wheel’ service every Friday within the campus for the convenience of UMS staff and students.

With the launch of the special edition stamps, all university correspondence would use the special edition stamps, and the community especially students and staff can purchase the stamps thus promoting income generation for the university. - MA (FL)

Media Division
Chancellery Department

IMG 5680 1SATURDAY, 04 JANUARY 2014 – The Housewives and Women Staff Club (KESUMBA), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) yesterday received a cheque amounting to RM30,000 from B.H.O. Sdn Bhd. The cheque was presented to the Chairperson of KESUMBA, Datin Baidah Ibrahim by a representative of the construction company at a simple ceremony held at the Executive Board Meeting Room, UMS.

In his speech as the Advisor to the Club, UMS Vice-Chancellor Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah hoped that the contributions will continue as it was for a good cause.

KESUMBA will be organising a Charity Dinner themed ‘Semarak Budi’ on the 22 March 2014 where part of the proceeds collected will be donated to selected charity homes throughout Sabah. This dinner is organised in conjunction with UMS 20th anniversary celebration.

KESUMBA welcomes any individual or companies who would like to contribute to the club’s Charity Dinner as a way of giving back to the community and to be contributing for a good cause.

For more enquiries, please call Dk. Rozlina Bte. Datuk Pg. Aliuddin at 010-9440388 or 088-320000. – FL

Media Division
Chancellery Department


mbr okuTHURSDAY, 2 JANUARY 2014Being partially blind does not deter Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) student, Abner Moilie to create a Malaysian record along with his peers for the Malaysia Book of Record: Longest Distance Running On a treadmill By a Group 2014, a record which is presently held by UiTM Samarahan branch.

The Second Year Bachelor of Sports Science student who hails from Tamparuli, Sabah is determined to finish the run on treadmill for 2 hours on rotation with his peers for 11 days. Abner also has the support of his family and has been doing periodic training in preparation for the challenge.

“I divide my training in the afternoon and night with jogging and running on the treadmill to ensure a high physical endurance. Based on the training before, I believe I can carry out the run for 2 hours non-stop,” he said.

He majors in coaching and the upcoming achievement would become his driving force to pursue his ambition as a sports coach.

Meanwhile, a female participant, Dona Suan shared the same tactics in her exercise routine in preparation for the challenge.

The Third Year Sports Science student started her training based on physical and mental strength over the past two weeks.

“I believe there is no problem in doing the two hour run as I am a long distance runner myself, in the 3000 metre and 1500 metre events. My hometown, Kampung Lokos, Tamparuli is a hilly area which contributes to my being resilient as I had to walk to school through the hilly route,” she explained.

Having adequate training equipment added to her confidence as well as her peers’ to jointly set a new record for the glory of UMS. – MA (FL)


Media Division
Chancellery Department



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