karnival perniagaan1THURSDAY, 5 DECEMBERUndergraduates were urged to instil the entrepreneurship nature in them to develop their career in future.
Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah said that undergraduates should apply creativity and innovation to create a business environment that is viable and competitive in order to compete in an increasingly challenging world.
“Those who ignore the values of creativity and innovation will be left behind and remain behind the competitors who will continually produce innovative products or services in accordance with the current development of the world,” he said when officiating at the Business Innovation Carnival 2013 at the Chancellor Hall Square, UMS.
His speech was read by his representative, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Md. Mansur. Also present was the Chairman of the Malaysian Hotels Association, Craig Powell.
He said, the involvement of the School of Food Science and Nutrition (SSMP) in the carnival this time not only helped foster relationship among the students but also encouraged their participation into venturing the business industry which is growing rapidly.
The one day programme themed ‘Successful Innovation Begins Here’ was participated by students of Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Entrepreneurship in Food Service, Retailing in Entrepreneurship and Introduction to the Hospitality Industry Programmes. – MA-
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Photo: Johaidi Ismail, CRD

Sidek PPIBTUESDAY, 03 DECEMBER – About 500 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) students attended a Public Talk presented by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Sidek Baba which was held at the Lecture Hall Centre 1, UMS recently.

Themed ‘Realising Earth’s Agenda For Humankind In the Context of the Country’, the talk organised by Centre For the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning (PPIB) captivated the students attention who were pursuing the Ethnic Relations Course and Islamic Civilisation and Asian Civilisation course, two core public university compulsory subjects.

According to Dato’ Dr. Sidek, being understanding and tolerant should co-exists in creating a harmonious life where each individual had the right to live and in fair opportunities, covered by law so that the democracy process was alive to guarantee peace.

“A better life must be based on knowledge and education grounded with ethics and values. In the Malaysian context which has a unique society with diverse background and understanding, sharing and being tolerant are important,” he stressed.

He added that the difference in belief and culture should not be a hindrance but a parallel point which should be nourished for the sake of harmony.

Also present was PPIB Deputy Dean of Academic and International, Dr. Suraya Sintang who represented the Dean. – SS


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Chancellery Department

Photo: PPIB

FRIDAY, 28 NOVEMBER – Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning (PPIB) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently launched a festschrift as a token of appreciation to the former dean of the centre, Prof. Dr. Ahmat Adam.

Festschrift was an academic project of PPIB and aimed at honouring the deeds of the honouree and his contributions to the scholarly field both in national and international levels.

According to the dean of PPIB, Prof. Dr. Vincent Pang, the festschrift  entitled ‘Qasidah Tinta’ reflected the interest of Prof. Dr. Ahmat who used writing as a way to contribute towards the field of knowledge and changing the mindset of society.

The said festschrift contained 15 papers contributed by friends and former students of the professor from within and outside the country involving the field of history, social sciences and humanities.

Prof. Dr. Ahmat Adam was awarded the Johan Setia Mahkota (JSM) in 2002 for his dedication in contributing towards the development, and strengthening of higher education in the country.

The festschrift of Qasidah Tinta was held at the 3rd Floor, PPIB Meeting Room and was attended by more than 100 people consisting of staff and students of the centre. – ZMD

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Chancellery Department

MulianaMONDAY, 02 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) continues to carve its name through its lone female finalist when she won third placing in the Malaysian Motivator Competition Intervarsity 1Malaysia Series II.

Muliana advanced to the finals with five other male contestants; two from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) and one each from the Kota Bharu Teachers Training Institute, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia and Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.

“It is a challenge for me being the only female contestant who made it to the finals and the last to present. However, at the same time I am proud to be among the male contestants because they are all excellent,” she said.

With the title ‘Leaders and Leadership’ at the finals, Muliana did not expect to win third placing as all finalists were superb and extraordinary.

“I belief this success is because of the prayers of my family, friends and mentor. This victory is not for me but for UMS, my beloved university,’ she added.

Malaysian Motivator Competition Intervarsity 1Malaysia is a programme to develop talent and provide early exposure to potential students in the field of motivator.

UMS was represented by Muhammad Adlizan Admancur and Muliana Tahir who were third year students of the School of Psychology and Social Work (SPKS). Muliana took home cash prize of RM200.00, a certificate and trophy.

The competition organised by UPSI attracted 10 institutions of Higher Learning (IPTA) with each one represented by two contestants. Champion and 1st Runner-up were both won by the organising university. – ZMD

Media Division
Chancellery Department

BannerFRIDAY, 29 NOVEMBERThird year students of Hotel Management Course, School of Business and Economics (SPE), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will be organising a Carnival of Business Innovation 2013 on 5 December 2013.

The programme coordinated by Song Xiu Hui under the supervision of Special Programme Module lecturer, Juliana Langgat will start from 8.00 am until 5.00 pm at the Dewan Canselor (Chancellor Hall) premises, UMS.

Song Xiu Hui said that the main objective of the carnival was to highlight the various business innovations which covered numerous fields.

She said besides students from the Hotel Management Course, students from other courses such as Entrepreneurship and Food Management Science were also involved.

“A lot of activities are planned in this carnival which will be held for a day. Among them, food demonstration from invited chef, talks by the Malaysian Association of Hospitality (MAH) including exhibition and creativity products,” she said in the statement.

Besides that, Song Xiu Hui also added that visitors would be spoilt for choice with the various games on site such as Onion Crush, Fruit Attack and Test and Guess.

As such, she welcomed the public especially students under the Hotel and Tourism Management course of Higher Education around Kota Kinabalu to this carnival.

Further enquiries can be obtained by contacting her at 016-6928189 or through the official Facebook page Carnival of Business Innovation 2013, UMS. – SS


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