mou andalasKHAMIS, 21 NOVEMBER – UMS telah menandatangani satu perjanjian kerjasama dengan Universiti Andalas (UNAND) dan Standard Chartered Siddiq Berhad (SCSB) pada satu majlis menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) antara UMS dengan kedua-dua agensi tersebut di Galeri Majlis, UMS.
Naib Canselor UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah mewakili UMS menandatangani MoU tersebut, manakala UNAND diwakili oleh Rektor UNAND, Dr. H. Werry Darta Taifur dan SCSB diwakili oleh Ketua Pegawai Operasinya, Tuan Hj. Mohd Nasiruddin Mohd Kamaruddin. Upacara tersebut turut disaksikan oleh Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah UMS, Tun Dato' Seri Zaki Tun Azmi dan Konsul Besar Republik Indonesia, Soepeno Sahid.
Melalui kerjasama tersebut, UMS akan memperbaharui semula kerjasama yang terjalin dengan UNAND yang dilakukan pada tahun 2005 merangkumi kerjasama program mobiliti pelajar, perkongsian pengetahuan, kebudayaan dan kepakaran antara kedua-dua institusi pengajian tinggi tersebut.
Manakala kerjasama UMS dengan SCSB bakal melibatkan penglibatan kedua-dua pihak dalam satu program ciptaan SCSB, iaitu “Mystery Shopper & Calling Exercise” yang akan menyaksikan pelajar-pelajar UMS akan diberi tugasan sebagai pelanggan berpotensi SCSB dan akan menjalankan lawatan atau membuat panggilan telefon ke cawangan SCSB.
Terdahulu, Datuk Harun dalam ucapannya berkata, kejayaan kerjasama yang terjalin pada MoU kali pertama antara UMS dan UNAND pada 2005 mendorong UMS memperbaharui kerjasama tersebut untuk manfaat kedua-dua pihak. Jelasnya, UMS juga komited untuk menjalin kerjasama dan mengeratkan rangkaian dengan pemain industri seperti SCSB.
“Antara pencapaian yang terhasil dalam kerjasama UMS-UNAND sebelum ini ialah penganjuran siri persidangan antarabangsa Asian Academy of Applied Business, selain 2 orang pensyarah dari UNAND telah berjaya menamatkan pengajian mereka di peringkat Doktor Falsafah di UMS.”
“Melalui kerjasama dengan SCSB pula, penglibatan pelajar UMS dalam program SCSB akan memberi mereka pendedahan terhadap pengetahuan dalam bidang perbankan dan kewangan Islam, serta memberi peluang kepada mereka mengasah kemahiran komunikasi dan pemasaran,” katanya. -MA-

Bahagian Media
Jabatan Canselori

marin pelawatSATURDAY, 16 NOVEMBERUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Marine Museum recorded 17,258 visitors since January to August this year.

Of the total, 13,230 were local visitors, 3,095 foreigners and the rest were the unversity’s official guests, the Special Needs (OKU) and UMS staff.

According to the Curator of the Museum, Flora Anne Asalin, visitors were expected to rise until end of the year 2013.

“For the record, visitors to the museum increases every year. In 2009, a total of 12,228 visitors were recorded, 22,990 in 2010; 23,808 in 2011 and a big jump in 2012 with a total of 28,663 visitors.

“Thus the total visitors since 2009 until August 2013 is 104,947,” she added.

The marine museum which is managed by the Borneo Marine Research Institute (IPMB) is open to public every day except on Wednesdays and public holidays, starting from 9.30 am until 4.30 pm.

She was quoted as saying when contacted by UMS Chancellery Media today. – SS

Media Division
Chancellery Department


THURSDAY, 14 NOVEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) researchers once again proved their prowess when they captured five Gold, five Silver and five Bronze including two special awards and two certificates at the recent Higher Learning Institutions Research and Invention Expo (PECIPTA) 2013.

The awards won were out of 17 research results contested at the Expo which was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).

Among researchers who won the Gold award were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iftikhar with his research ‘Traditional Classifications System (TCS) for Fractures In Orthopaedics With Colour Coding’, and Dr. Clarence M. Ongkudon with his research topic ‘Monolithic Chromatography Adsorbent For Biomolecules Purification’.  Both research also clinched the Korea Special Award and Minds Special Award.

Also winning the Gold medal award were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chye Fook Yee with his research topic ‘D-Jus, An Instant Dehydrated Probiotics Juice’; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maher Fouad Sefein with ‘Clip Methodology: Bridging the Brain With the Body For Brilliant Innovations (Creative Workstation, Learned Skills, Innovation) and Wilson Yong Thau Lym with his innovation entitled ‘Euche-Reactor’.

For the Silver award, two medals were obtained through Dr. Kenneth Francis Rodrigues, and the rest was contributed by Ag. Ahmad Mohd. Yunus, Dr. Pushpa M. Palaniappan and Siti Faridah Mohd. Amin.

UMS researchers contributed five Bronze medals through their research studies contested.  They were Chua Bih Lii, Dr. Lu Maw Win and Mansoor Abdul Hamid.  Two other Bronze medals were won through the research studies entitled ‘Portable Solar Harvester (SOHA)’ and ‘Intelligent Online Traffic Optimiser (IOTO) produced by Kenneth Teo Tze Kin.

Two certificates acquired through Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iftikhar and Ag. Ahmad Mohd. Yunus through both their research studies.

PECIPTA 2013 which was held for three days also saw UMS Research Exhibition booth won the ‘Most Vibrant Booth’ award. – SS


Media Division

Chancellery Department 

Dr Rod TgfuFRIDAY, 15 NOVEMBERFounder of the ‘Teaching Games for Understanding' (TGfU), Dr. Rod Thorpe held a talk recently to students of the School of Education and Social Development (SPPS).

Held at the SPPS Seminar Room 1, Dr. Rod presented a talk on ‘Teaching Games for Understanding –Evolution of an Approach 1960 to 2012’.

According to Sports Science lecturer, Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin, students were exposed to the development model of TGfU and the importance of physical education teaching using the said method, through practical sessions.

He said the presence of Dr. Rod created an air of excitement among students in learning the techniques and added an interest to later implement them in school the skills learned.

Meanwhile, Dr. Rod said in his talk, that children absolutely love activities that involved a lot of loco -motor or non loco-motor movements.

“They seemed to be more active and more inquisitive when the games were played as compared to learning activities in a classroom environment,” he stated.

TGfU is a teaching and learning concept created by David Bunker and Rod Thorpe in 1982 at the University of Loughborough through observation where they discovered that traditional learning of physical education gained less interest among students. It is an educational learning towards understanding which could attract the attention of children, either inside or outside of the classroom so that they would not feel bored.

The talk ended with a presentation of souvenirs to Dr. Rod by Dr. Mohamad Nizam who represented the Dean of SPPS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim. – SS

Source: SPPS

Media Division
Chancellery Department

gubahan bungaMONDAY, 11 NOVEMBERThe air of festivities at the Agri Carnival which was held at the School of Sustainable Agriculture (SPL) premises Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Sandakan Branch Campus recently was further sparked by such events such as the Sandakan Top Chef and Flower Arrangement Competition.

With the theme Malaysian Cuisine, the competition had attracted participation from the surrounding community around the district which included restaurant owners, colleges and higher education institutions.

For the Sandakan Top Chef event, the competition was won by Team Kura-kura Dalam Perahu (Tortoise In the Boat) consisting of Food and Catering students from the Community Development Department (KEMAS) Sandakan. Their cuisine won the hearts of the judges leading them to win the title and bringing home prizes in the form of cash, certificate, hamper and rice.

The Flower Arrangement Competition which had showcased some creativity saw Shamsar Samsudin beating other participants to win this competition and bringing home cash prize, certificate and hamper.

In the meantime, the manager of both competitions, Azahari Wilson when contacted by UMS Chancellery Media said that the organising of these competitions was aimed at forging closer rapport between UMS and the Sandakan community.

“It is also a way to get them involved by introducing UMS Sandakan Branch Campus community to this Natural Environment society,” he added.

The SPL Agri Carnival 2013 which went on for three days was the focus of the community there more so with the presence of Stacy AF, Felix Agus, Lotter AG and Alex Raja Lawak. The official opening ceremony was done by the Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj. Aman. – SS


Media Division
Chancellery Department



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