karnival taniMONDAY, 11 NOVEMBERThe Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj Aman urged that research in the field of agriculture industry be translated to a community project which will benefit and add knowledge to farmers, breeders as well as agricultural entrepreneurs.

He said the involvement and investments from private sectors in the agriculture industry should support Sabah’s economic development.

“The expertise at the university level should be shared with government agencies and industry so that the development of the state agricultural industry becomes more comprehensive, orderly and systematic,” he said.

“Sustainable economic development not only dependent on government spending but also through investments from the private sector,” he added. He said this at the launching ceremony of the Agriculture Carnival 2013, School of Sustainable Agriculture (SPL) and the launch of MyAgrosis at SPL’s Multipurpose Hall, UMS Sandakan Branch Campus yesterday.

He praised UMS efforts in organising the Agri Carnival in Sandakan which showed that UMS placed priority on human capital development and the spread of knowledge including bringing the institution closer to the public.

Earlier, UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah said the carnival was organised with the aim to expose UMS students to venture into agricultural industry as agricultural entrepreneurs.

He stressed that MyAgrosis Club was one of the positive steps taken that would be able to produce skilful professional agricultural entrepreneurs under the guidance of the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA) and the Fisheries Department Malaysia.

“I believe with the students involvement in MyAgrosis Club would help to implement some key elements such as self-discipline, leadership, ethics, communication and negotiation skills, thus preparing students to become successful agricultural entrepreneurs who are capable and easily adaptable with the rural communities,” he said.

Among those present at the launching ceremony were Sandakan Municipal Council President, Datuk Ir. James Wong; TSH Resources Berhad Chairman, Datuk Dr. Kelvin Tan Aik Pen; Sabah FAMA Chairman, Ribin Wahid and Area Manager of Agrobank Sabah, Rosli Yahya. – MA

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Chancellery Department

ICORM newDateSUNDAY, 10 NOVEMBER – The International Conference on Rural Medicine (ICORM) 2013 scheduled for 26 to 28 November 2013 has now been postponed to 12 until 14 August 2014.

The conference organised by the School of Medicine (SPU), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) with the theme ‘The Challenges in Rural Medicine’ would be the 4th ICORM organised by SPU. The conference will be held at Magellan Sutera, Sutera Harbour, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

ICORM started in 2007 with a vision to bring all national and international rural medicine and health experts to share their experiences in facing the challenges in the delivery of both medical healthcare services and education. It also provide a platform for members of the rural medicine and allied health community in fostering linkages and collaboration effort in research and healthcare services.

For more information, please contact the Secretariat at 088-320000 extension 611005 / 611029 / 611418 or fax 088-321373 / 088-231372 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . You can also visit their website at http://www.ums.edu.my/conferences/ICORM2013 . - FL

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tabika sikuatiFRIDAY, 8 NOVEMBERA study tour by the Missionary Training Centre Kemas Kindergarten, Sikuati to the Rural Medical Education Centre (PPPD) recently had provided an early glimpse on health and personal hygiene for the participants comprising children.

One of the teachers of the kindergarten accompanying the delegation, Kamariah Hajar said that the kindergarten had chosen PPPD for their study tour because the facilities on healthcare were able to provide an initial idea on the field of medicine to the students.

She added that the health talk presented by PPPD staff had given them an invaluable experience and lessons to the children on healthcare and its importance to our daily life.

“We can see the expressions of the children’s faces when they were taken on a tour round this centre; among them were nursing area, gymnasium, laboratories, etc. This is something new to them and this experience is needed to boost their interest to join the medical or science fields in future,” she said.

Meanwhile, PPPD staff, Mohd Rodzie said the centre accepts visits from primary and secondary schools around that area. He said that they would include talks on healthcare, explanation on patient nursing care, etc.

Thus, he welcomes school students to the centre and is always open for collaborations and at the same time do their part in providing corporate social responsibility to the surrounding community. – MA

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Chancellery Department

spks terapiSATURDAY, 09 NOVEMBER – The School of Psychology and Social Works (SPKS) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is offering Speech Therapy Session and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Session for children who are experiencing developmental problems.

In a statement issued by the School, the sessions will be held every Tuesday and Wednesday at the Cognitive Lab and Children’s Development Lab SPKS.

The statement also said that both the therapies were chargeable at reasonable rates. For the Speech Therapy which is in a duration of 30 minutes, the fee is at RM50 per session whilst for ABA at RM80 per session which is for a duration of two hours.

For further information, please contact SPKS officer, Noorma Razali at 088-320000 ext 8845 or through fax at 088-320101.

The Speech Therapy is useful for children with speech difficulties whilst ABA for children with Austism. – SS

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Chancellery Division

psikologi 2013THURSDAY, 7 NOVEMBERSocial harmony has always been the backbone in maintaining peace and stability in Malaysia with its multi-ethnic society with different backgrounds and religious beliefs.

Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah said that social harmony which emphasised on the ‘living together’ concept as the primary basis for sustainable progress. He added that failure to educate society to the concept would lead to bloody conflict such as the black history of 13 May 1969.

“There is no quick formula towards unity as the effort requires smart planning. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) believes that the learning pillar for social harmony is to learn to live together,” he said.

“In Malaysia, learning to ‘live together’ means to be tolerant with each other,” he said. He said this when officiating at the National Psychology Seminar II 2013.

He added that to understand the differences and uniqueness of the various aspects of psychology including the belief, culture, customs, ethnicity, tradition, ideology, interest and talent is extremely important and should have an element of consideration in fostering national harmony.

The seminar organised by the Psychology and Social Health Research Unit themed ‘Psychology As A Channel For Social Harmony’ received over 156 participants from all over Malaysia. This two-day seminar saw several keynote lectures delivered by national psychology experts, among them the Assistant President of Cyberjaya Medical Science University College, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mahmood Nazar Mohamed; Damai Service Hospital Health Expert, Prof. Emeritus Dr. Mohd. Ismail Tambi and the Head of Ethnic Research Institute, Eminent Professor Datuk Dr. Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. – MA


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