MONDAY, 16 DECEMBER – The craft industry such as ceramics could be made into a cottage industry, indirectly producing competitive women craft entrepreneurs.

In order to realise the government’s intention to create a ‘One District One Industry’, a Rural Industry Development and Ceramic Crafts Manufacturing Entrepreneurs programme was organised by the School of Arts (SPS), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in collaboration with the Department of Women’s Development Sabah and Brunei Youth Community Association Sabah.

A total of 22 participants consisting of women and single mothers attended the programme which was held for 10 days at the Seri Wawasan Hall Kg. Pimping, Membakut recently.

According to the Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister, YB Datuk Hj. Arifin Hj. Mohd. Arif, the programme was able to attract women and produce more skillful women in the process of making ceramic crafts.

“I also hope that Membakut district would be a new tourist destination for tourists who are searching for ceramic crafts and local products,” he said during the closing ceremony.

Datuk Arifin who is also the State Assemblyman for Membakut said expert advice from UMS academicians would help in realising his wish, seeing that the soil in Membakut were very suitable material for making ceramic crafts.

Also present were Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Professor Dr. Shahril Yusof; SPS Dean, Assoc. Prof. Abdul Jamal Abd. Hamid; representative from the Department of Women’s Development Sabah, Salawana Arin and Brunei Youth Community Association Sabah, Ag. Mohd. Faizal Ag. Sahak. – CD

Media Division
Chancellery Department

perubatanFRIDAY, 13 DECEMBER – The Museum of Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) proved to be a symbol of aspiration and excellence in medicine towards making UMS one of Malaysian local universities to produce experts in the medical field.

Located at the Plastination Lab of the School of Medicine (SPU), the museum became one of the many attractions in UMS when it opened its doors to local and foreign visitors alike.

According to the Medical Museum Curator, Faranizah Taufick, visitors to the museum had been increasing every year since it officially opened in 2010.

“In the second term of this year alone, the museum has received over 1,000 visitors comprising primary and secondary school students from all over the state. We expect the number of visitors to increase every year,” she said.

She added that there were plans to improve the existing building to accommodate to the ever increasing visitors.

“At present we are charging an entrance fee of RM3.00 for visitors who are 18 years old and above, RM2.00 for 17 years old and below and free for UMS staff and students. It is possible that we increase the fee if the facilities are more informative and improved, in future,” she added.

In addition to the Medical Museum, SPU also has an Ibnu Sina (Avicenna) Resource Centre which contained human specimens which are utilised by medical students of SPU as a point of reference.

According to Faranizah, they intend to open the resource centre to the public as a place where they can visit such as the Medical Museum.

“Due to space constraint, the resource centre now is only limited to SPU students, we are planning to expand the existing space so that it can accommodate more students and visitors at any one time,” she said.

The Medical Museum is open everyday except Mondays and public holidays as early as 9.30 am until 4.30 pm. The Ibnu Sina resource centre is currently limited to the use of SPU’s students. – ZMD

Media Division
Chancellery Department

us2TUESDAY, 10 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) welcomes student exchange programme from the United States of America to this EcoCampus university as an effort to develop and improve on education for both countries.
According to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kasim Md. Mansur, UMS is ready to enrol students from the USA to further their studies in UMS thus creating a scientific research collaboration.

“Besides that, student and staff exchange among universities of these two countries would help in increasing cultural understanding among the people of these two countries,” he said.

He said this when officiating at the Handing Over of Books from the Library of America Series to UMS Library which was held at the Prime Collection Section.

At the ceremony, 100 books were donated to the library in the form of novels, poems, essays and dramas from well-known American writers. Among them were the Lincoln Anthology, Mark Twain, Henry David Thoreau and Parkman. The books were handed over by the US Ambassador to Malaysia Joseph Y. Yun to Senior Deputy Chief Librarian, Haji Zawawi Tiyunin.

Earlier, Joseph said that the handing over of books was an initial step towards fostering closer ties between America and UMS Library, and Malaysia generally.

“Malaysia and America has something in common, that is its populations are made up of different races and religions. Hence, prejudices and differences should not be a big issue but to find a common ground and improve on the existing cooperation,” he added.

Also present was the wife of the ambassador, Dr. Melanie Billings-Yun. – ZMD

Media Division
Chancellery Department

Photo: Musaab Umair, Corporate Relations Division

LANKAYANTHURSDAY, 12 DECEMBER – Sabah waters became the venue of choice for turtle populations and migratory habitats and seen capable to enrich the marine ecosystem in the state.

According to the Director of Borneo Marine Research Institute (IPMB) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof. Dr. Saleem Mustafa, their efforts in conserving the turtle population was not limited to the local ones but also globally.

According to him, in addition to playing an active role through knowledge and scientific research to create a proper management, IPMB was committed to bring awareness to the community on the importance of turtle population and the marine ecosystems.

“We believe that public awareness on turtles should be done more aggressively by using various approaches. Our efforts should not be limited to the celebration of World Turtle Day only,” he stressed.

He was speaking at the public debut of Green Turtle Hatchlings which was held at the IPMB Aquarium and Marine Museum today.

He added that in their effort to conserve the turtle populations, the move was widely seen as a marine biodiversity conservation process to sustain a clean and healthy marine ecosystem.

During the event, five green turtles hatchlings (Chelonia Mydas) were shown to the public for the first time for the purpose of teaching and learning. Also present was the Borneo Divers & Sea Sports Sabah Sdn. Bhd. Project Manager, Louise Lang. – ZMD

Media Division
Chancellery Department

kesumbaMONDAY, 09 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah Housewives and Women Staff Club (KESUMBA) today paid a courtesy call to the wife of the Head of State, Toh Puan Datuk Seri Panglima Hajah Norlidah Datuk R. M. Jasni at the State Palace, Kota Kinabalu.

The courtesy call made was to introduce the new Exco line-up of KESUMBA and to invite Her Excellency to the Charity Dinner organised by KESUMBA which will be held in March next year.

At the same time, the call was to enlighten the activities organised by KESUMBA which would be held next year such as religious, cultural and sports activities.

According to the Chairman of KESUMBA, Datin Baidah Ibrahim, all the activities planned for next year would involve the community which would strengthen relations between the university and local communities.

“We also planned to have more activities so as to introduce this club to the outside community,” she added.

Accompanying Datin Baidah was the wife of UMS Registrar, Datin Nurah Ag. Bungsu and nine Supreme Exco Members of the club. – ZMD

Media Division
Chancellery Department



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