PPUMS1TUESDAY, 17 DECEMBER – The Non-academic Professional Management of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (PPUMS) recently organised an informal discussion entitled ‘Work, Worked On Or Worked Upon’ at the JTMK Auditorium, UMS.

The discussion was led by a panel of senior staff with different background. They were Senior Deputy Bursar, Zallifah Shadan; Senior Science Officer from the School of Science and Technology, Yusup Laupe and Deputy Registrar, Norti Sirin whilst Law Officer from the Registrar Department Awang Suhaizam Bungso was the moderator.

Among issues discussed by the panellists were on self-improvement, being positive, spiritual well-being and outlook towards life.

“Do not have a negative or preconceive idea about someone. No doubt sometimes there is some negative element but we can turn that into something positive. Not everyone can be captain of the ship, some have to be sailors and sometimes you have to be the most unpopular person,” said Zallifah who has been attached to the Bursary Department, UMS for 16 years.

“If our heart is full of ego, then knowledge would not come to us,” said Norti, one of the panellists who have been working with this EcoCampus university for 15 years who added that when we look at things positively, the perspective would be different.

“We live to die and when we die that is when we live,” added Yusup who has been serving UMS for the past 15 years, who added that from the beginning of time our natural habit is to work.

The informal talk was also attended by Senior Deputy Chief Librarian Hj Zawawi Tiyunin who is also the President of PPUMS; Senior Assistant Registrar cum Deputy President of PPUMS, Samsuidin Nurdin and its Supreme Council members. The informal discussion was opened for and attended by more than 50 PPUMS members. – FL

Media Division
Chancellery Department

TUESDAY, 17 DECEMBER – 18 short films created by students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) are playing at the Ahmad Nisfu Theatrette, School of Arts (SPS) in conjunction with the Student Digital Screen Festival (FSDP) which began yesterday and will end tonight.

12 films were produced by SPS students and the rest by the Labuan School of informatics Science (SSIL), Labuan International Campus UMS (UMS-KAL).

According to a spokesman for the organisers, M Fazmi Hisham, all films screened would be contested and the organisers are offering 13 awards up for grabs.

“FSDP is an event that showcase short films produced by UMS students throughout this semester. The awards on offer would hopefully arouse the students’ desire to continue writing and produce films with cultural aspects of the community by combining the advancement of the present technologies,” he told Chancellery Media yesterday.

According to him, the highlight of the event which was the award presentation night would be held on Wednesday, 18 November 2013 at 7.00 pm at the Ahmad Nisfu Theatrette , SPS.

Movie fans are advised not miss this opportunity to watch these movies which are loaded with social themes and the use of impressive special effects. – DC

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

MoU UMS NUSMONDAY, 16 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) continues to strengthen itself to become a leading university when it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a well-known university in Asia, the National University of Singapore (NUS) today.

UMS through the Borneo Marine Research Institute (IPMB) is collaborating with the NUS in the field of marine study specifically related to coastal management.

UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah when met by the media said that the collaboration was a new chapter that would definitely be beneficial to both parties.

“This collaboration will open the eyes of the world on UMS’ strength in the field of marine research. Indirectly, it encourages entries by international students to the university,” he said.

Director of Bachelor of Environmental Studies, NUS, Prof. Chou Loke Ming said that they were impressed with UMS and described Sabah as a state rich in interesting environmental resource.

He promised that NUS would carry out a student exchange programme with UMS and other collaborations for the same purpose.

The signing ceremony held at the Gallery, Chancellery Building was witnessed by UMS Registrar, Datuk Abdullah Haji Mohd. Said and UMS IPMB Director, Prof. Dr. Saleem Mustafa. – SS

Media Division
Chancellery Department


TUESDAY, 17 DECEMBER – Undergraduates involvement in co-curricular activities would hopefully produce a productive community, and seen as a way to reach out to the targetted community in future.

According to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Hj. Md. Mansur, the various activities offered in the co-curriculum activities could shape our students to be proactive and innovative.

“Uniformed Unit curriculum such as PALAPES, SUKSIS, SISPA and UMS SEJATI who have a positive self-esteem, disciplined, hardworking and responsible; hence producing an excellent generation,” he said.

He said this when launching the Drill Competition in conjunction with the Semester 1 2013/2014 Co-curriculum Carnival at UMS Chancellor Square recently.

He added that instilling excellence in students of today would produce human capital who will lead the nation progressively and more developed.

During the programme, 150 students joined the drill competition consisting of ground PALAPES, Marine PALAPES, SUKSIS, SISPA, UMS SEJATI and UMS SEJATI Brass band.

The one-day programme also featured an exhibition of the uniformed unit, a blood donation drive and other exhibitions by UMS students. Also present was the Director of the Centre for Co-curriculum and Student Development UMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raman Noordin. – ZMD

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

MONDAY, 16 DECEMBER – Recognising the importance of combating and preventing corruption among the society, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Anti-Corruption Prevention Secretariat organised a programme aiming at shaping the young generation who would be capable to thwart corruption.

The Open Mind, Open Eyes, Open Hearts programme organised in collaboration with the NKRA Corruption Monitoring and Coordination Committee, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (SPRM) Sabah, UMS Student Affairs Department and Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK) received overwhelming response from 200 participants of Higher Learning Institutions (IPT).

According to City Hall Mayor Datuk Abidin Madingkir, the programmes were capable of producing undergraduates who were responsible in assisting SPRM in combating corruption thus helping to form strong social ties between the campus community and society.

He said this in his speech during the closing ceremony of the programme at Deasoka Crossing, Kota Kinabalu. His text was read by DBKK Director-General, Datuk Yeo Boon Hai.

“I hope that the undergraduates would become quality human capital in terms of integrity, strong discipline, strong spirit and strong personality backed by a strong foundation as excellent future leaders,” he added.

Earlier, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) UMS, Prof. Dr. Shahril Yusof said corruption should be prevented from an early stage before it damage the Malaysian culture.

“Corruption must be addressed from the grassroots level so that it will not become cancerous to the nation in future,” he stressed.

The one-day programme with a sports and recreation concept was participated by students from UMS, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara (IKBN) Kinarut, Cosmopoint and Eastern College Kota Kinabalu. – ZMD

Media Division
Chancellery Department




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