tabika sikuatiFRIDAY, 8 NOVEMBERA study tour by the Missionary Training Centre Kemas Kindergarten, Sikuati to the Rural Medical Education Centre (PPPD) recently had provided an early glimpse on health and personal hygiene for the participants comprising children.

One of the teachers of the kindergarten accompanying the delegation, Kamariah Hajar said that the kindergarten had chosen PPPD for their study tour because the facilities on healthcare were able to provide an initial idea on the field of medicine to the students.

She added that the health talk presented by PPPD staff had given them an invaluable experience and lessons to the children on healthcare and its importance to our daily life.

“We can see the expressions of the children’s faces when they were taken on a tour round this centre; among them were nursing area, gymnasium, laboratories, etc. This is something new to them and this experience is needed to boost their interest to join the medical or science fields in future,” she said.

Meanwhile, PPPD staff, Mohd Rodzie said the centre accepts visits from primary and secondary schools around that area. He said that they would include talks on healthcare, explanation on patient nursing care, etc.

Thus, he welcomes school students to the centre and is always open for collaborations and at the same time do their part in providing corporate social responsibility to the surrounding community. – MA

Media Division
Chancellery Department

psikologi 2013THURSDAY, 7 NOVEMBERSocial harmony has always been the backbone in maintaining peace and stability in Malaysia with its multi-ethnic society with different backgrounds and religious beliefs.

Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah said that social harmony which emphasised on the ‘living together’ concept as the primary basis for sustainable progress. He added that failure to educate society to the concept would lead to bloody conflict such as the black history of 13 May 1969.

“There is no quick formula towards unity as the effort requires smart planning. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) believes that the learning pillar for social harmony is to learn to live together,” he said.

“In Malaysia, learning to ‘live together’ means to be tolerant with each other,” he said. He said this when officiating at the National Psychology Seminar II 2013.

He added that to understand the differences and uniqueness of the various aspects of psychology including the belief, culture, customs, ethnicity, tradition, ideology, interest and talent is extremely important and should have an element of consideration in fostering national harmony.

The seminar organised by the Psychology and Social Health Research Unit themed ‘Psychology As A Channel For Social Harmony’ received over 156 participants from all over Malaysia. This two-day seminar saw several keynote lectures delivered by national psychology experts, among them the Assistant President of Cyberjaya Medical Science University College, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mahmood Nazar Mohamed; Damai Service Hospital Health Expert, Prof. Emeritus Dr. Mohd. Ismail Tambi and the Head of Ethnic Research Institute, Eminent Professor Datuk Dr. Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. – MA


Media Division
Chancellery Department


pupukTHURSDAY, 7 NOVEMBERUniversity and Family Interaction Programme (PUPUK), School of Medicine which was established in the year 2006 not only prepare students with real-life situation which they will face in future as a doctor, but also exposure to community work and healthcare of rural community.

Chin Ket Meng, third year student School of Medicine said that the PUPUK programme enabled him to experience for himself living in the interior areas with her adopted family with different background.

“There, we learn to interact with them; I can help my adopted family by giving advises pertaining to healthcare and obtain new data relating to the health of my adopted family. I will apply whatever I have learned in class for this purpose,” he said.

He added that he was lucky to be placed with the Osubing family who were friendly and treated him very well.

Meanwhile, one of the participants of the programme, Zakiah Osubing, 31, was happy with the implementation of the programme at her village, Kg. Kandawayon. She said that programmes such as this should be continued as this had given her the chance to help the kampong folks in terms of healthcare.

“They would sometimes visit me in their free time. When they are here, they would check our health and ask about our health development,” she said.

“I treat them as my own family. I hope they will be successful and be called doctors when they graduate,” she added.

To date, a total of 467 student doctors with more than 200 adopted family from 37 villages around Kudat are involved in this programme. The programme is beneficial in terms of improving the health and awareness of villages towards a healthier lifestyle besides producing high quality medical students and ready to serve the rural community in future. –NB-


Media Division
Chancellery Department

Gambar Bendahari Bil.66SATURDAY, 02 NOVEMBER - The Public Higher Learning Institutions (IPTA) Bursars Meeting was held at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) recently.

According to the Chairman of the Meeting for the 2013/2015 session, Hj. Rizal Othman, the meeting was an avenue for treasurers and bursars to gather and discuss matters pertaining to financial management. Among them were governance, reporting and financial operations.

“Besides that, the issue of sustainable financing, current economic needs and innovation were also discussed as part of the yearly agenda,” he said in his welcoming speech before the start of the meeting.

Hj. Rizal who is also the Bursar of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) said for the 2013/2015 session, each meeting would include knowledge sharing among its members.

He also added that a seminar on Value Management would also be held at Putrajaya as part of their activity at this 66th meeting.

The meeting held every quarterly comprised all 20 Treasurers and Bursars of IPTA in Malaysia. University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is expected to be the next host for the next meeting which will be held at the end of January 2014. All 20 IPTA take turns to be the host. – SS

Source: Hayati Salleh Baihaki - Bursar Department

Media Division
Chancellery Department

Fandyi MPPFRIDAY, 01 NOVEMBERFandyi Sanizan Jurup was appointed President of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Student Council Representatives (MPP) 2013/2014 academic session after he was listed as one of the winners for the General Seats at the recent Campus Election (PRK) announced last night.

With the tagline ‘Leading Students’ Excellence’, this 3rd year student of Children and Family Psychology, the School of Psychology and Social Works (SPKS) was appointed to spearhead UMS student council leaders, while forming his cabinet immediately after the counting of votes was done.

Fandyi who originated from Sandakan Sabah said that he would strive to be the best student representative and ensuring UMS students were aligned with the university’s management towards achieving excellence.

“I will also work hard to be the moderator for students not only for their welfare and harmony but also as a channel to put forward their problems to be brought to the higher authorities,” he said when contacted by UMS Chancellery Media.

Fandyi who garnered 1,680 votes also thanked UMS PRK Committee who ensured the smoothflow of the election process enabling candidates and students to cast their votes without any hitches.

“Not forgetting all students who had given their mandate for me to be one of the winners of the seven Main Campus General Seats contested,” he added.

The new cabinet also saw Md. Najib Rubin and Anwar Tawe appointed the Deputy President of MPP and for the Labuan International Campus (KAL) including Sandakan Branch Campus. – SS

Media Division
Chancellery Department



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