KOTA KINABALU: A total of 524 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) staff received various awards at the UMS 2019 and 2020 Appreciation Ceremony.

The hybrid event was held at Galeri Majlis and also broadcasted virtually via its official Facebook account UMS.Official and also YouTube UMS.Net.

A total of 39 UMS retired personnel, including four who have passed away were given the Jasamu Dikenang award in appreciation of their contribution to the university.

The awards were handed over by UMS vice chancellor Prof. Datuk ChM. Dr. Taufiq Yap Yun Hin.

According to Taufiq, the event showed UMS’ commitment to appreciate the contribution of its staff with the hope that excellent work culture, prioritizing quality, creativity and innovation would become a continuous practice to ensure university excellence.

“This year, we have also introduced another award, the Sanjungan Budi Award for those who have served in UMS for over 25 years which involves 19 recipients, besides 80 people who received the Jasa Setia Award, which is for those who have served UMS for 20 years, as well as 240 people who have served for 10 years who received the Jasa Bakti Award.

“A total of 146 staff from various job schemes at the support and management staff level including academic staff were also selected as recipients of the Outstanding Service Award (APC) for 2019, with APC recipients receiving a Certificate of Outstanding Service, as well as a performance excellence incentive of RM1,000 that was credited to the recipient’s account in early 2021,” he said.

In the meantime, Taufiq said every civil servant is required to provide the best and excellent service to the community throughout their service, and each has a role in ensuring that the services delivered are clean and with integrity.

“I sincerely hope that UMS staff continue to be committed to working with sincerity and full of integrity without expecting recognition and not even because of name.

“The job as a civil servant is a trust and must be shouldered with sincerity and responsibility.
“Work culture or ethics must be prudent and with integrity to meet the vision and mission of the organization,” he added.

Taufiq also hoped that the staff celebrated at the event would always be successful, in good health, maintain personal morals, strengthen friendships, maintain their excellent work, and become quality employees to help boost UMS’ excellence not only at the national level but in the eyes of the world.

Also present at the ceremony was the Registrar of UMS, Luqman Ridha Anwar as well as key and senior officers of UMS.


Source: https://www.theborneopost.com/2021/03/16/524-ums-staff-receive-appreciation-awards/ 

SELASA, 16 MAC – Seramai 524 kakitangan Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) menerima penghargaan pelbagai anugerah pada Majlis Apresiasi UMS 2019 dan 2020 yang berlangsung secara hibrid.

Berlangsung di Galeri Majlis, UMS dan turut disiarkan secara maya melalui laman Facebook rasmi UMS.Official dan saluran YouTube UMS.Net, seramai 39 orang kakitangan UMS yang telah bersara termasuk empat kakitangan yang telah meninggal dunia dalam perkhidmatan diberi penghargaan Anugerah Jasamu Dikenang sebagai menghargai sumbangan jasa bakti sepanjang berkhidmat di UMS.

Anugerah disampaikan Naib Canselor UMS, Prof. Datuk ChM. Dr. Taufiq Yap Yun Hin kepada pesara yang hadir pada majlis tersebut.

Menurut Taufiq, Majlis Apresiasi UMS merupakan manifestasi dan komitmen pihak pengurusan untuk menghargai sumbangan dan kecemerlangan para pesara dan juga kakitangan UMS dengan harapan agar budaya kerja cemerlang, mengutamakan kualiti, kreatif dan inovatif menjadi amalan berterusan demi memastikan kecemerlangan universiti.

“Pada tahun ini juga kita telah memperkenalkan satu lagi anugerah iaitu Anugerah Sanjungan Budi bagi mereka yang telah berkhidmat di UMS selama lebih 25 tahun yang melibatkan 19 orang penerima, selain 80 orang menerima Anugerah Jasa Setia, iaitu mereka yang telah menabur khidmat bakti kepada UMS selama 20 tahun, serta 240 orang yang telah berkhidmat selama 10 tahun menerima Anugerah Jasa Bakti.

“Sejumlah 146 kakitangan merangkumi pelbagai skim jawatan di peringkat kakitangan sokongan dan pengurusan termasuk kakitangan akademik juga dipilih sebagai penerima Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (APC) bagi Tahun 2019, dengan penerima APC akan menerima Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang, dan juga insentif kecemerlangan prestasi sebanyak RM1,000 yang telah pun dikreditkan ke akaun penerima pada awal tahun 2021,” katanya.

Dalam pada itu, Taufiq berkata setiap penjawat awam dituntut untuk memberikan perkhidmatan terbaik dan cemerlang kepada masyarakat sepanjang berkhidmat, dan masing-masing berperanan dalam memastikan perkhidmatan yang disampaikan bersih dan berintegriti.

“Saya amat berharap agar kakitangan UMS terus komited bekerja dengan ikhlas dan penuh berintegriti tanpa mengharapkan pengiktirafan dan bukan juga kerana nama.

“Tugas sebagai penjawat awam merupakan satu amanah dan harus dipikul dengan penuh ikhlas dan tanggungjawab.

“Budaya kerja atau work ethics haruslah secara berhemah dan berintegriti menepati visi dan misi organisasi,” katanya.

Taufiq turut berharap agar para kakitangan yang diraikan pada majlis tersebut sentiasa sukses, menjaga kesihatan, memelihara akhlak peribadi, memperkukuh silaturahim, mengekalkan kecemerlangan dalam pekerjaan, dan menjadi pekerja berkualiti agar dapat membantu usaha melonjakkan keunggulan UMS bukan hanya di peringkat kebangsaan tetapi unggul di mata dunia.

Hadir sama pada majlis tersebut Pendaftar UMS, Luqman Ridha Anwar serta para pegawai utama dan kanan UMS.


KOTA KINABALU: Mabul islanders in Semporna can look forward to the possibility of making money from plastic waste soon.

Universiti Malaysia Sabah's Research and Innovation Management Centre deputy director Dr Jidon Janaun said the varsity is working on the 'Plastic Up-cycling Project: Plastic to Fuel' with the hope that the experiment would create a circular economy for the community.

Despite being famous as a tourist destination, the 20-hectare Mabul island, with about 2,500 residents, have limited resources and lack of proper waste management.

"It is expensive to ship the waste to Semporna town. The easiest way for the people at Mabul is either to bury, burn or dump the waste into the sea.

"We believe if we can show the people how to make money, it will be a workable solution," he said during a recent webinar with BluHope on Commonwealth Day, adding that the solution to put value to plastic would lead to proper waste disposal awareness among the community.

Jidon added that the project aimed to convert plastics into diesel to be used to fuel generators and boat engines.

Despite the name "Appropriate Technology Pyrolyser", he said the 3T system or Trash-to-tank innovation was not rocket science as the process involved putting certain types of plastics and coconut husks into a machine to produce fuel.

The usable plastic materials include containers, bags, bottle caps, cutlery, straws and styrofoam.

"The beauty of the innovation is the fuel has the same properties of commercial diesel which can be used in generators as well as boat engines, which both are commonly used by the people there.

He added that the team was also looking into bringing in and using solar-powered electrical heaters to maximise the green element for the innovation.

The 4-litre capacity prototype cost is around RM7,000.

Jidon said they were planning to license the intellectual property out to companies for mass production so more people can own the unit.

"We are also open for the government to adopt this process and engage agencies or non-governmental organisations to run the business."


Source: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2021/03/672574/ums-working-help-mabul-community-manage-plastic-waste 


KOTA KINABALU: A total of 27 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) staff in the B40 group received devices here today through the UMS Management and Professional Officers Association (PPUMS) initiative.

UMS Vice Chancellor, Prof. Datuk ChM. Ts. Dr. Taufiq Yap Yun Hin said the Tabung PPUMS PdPR (home-based teaching and learning) was launched to help ease the UMS parents into the new norm of PdPR for students nationwide.

“I have been informed that the fund has successfully provided a total of 27 devices to eligible recipients. All applications have been evaluated by the PPUMS PdPR Equipment Recipient Selection Committee,” said Dr. Taufiq during a presentation ceremony held at UMS here today.

“I can imagine the great difficulties faced by parents especially in seeing their children scrambling to learn. The intention is there but there is no equipment to use for learning and this greatly disrupts the learning process.

“Although students can return to school with this new SOP, this device still has a very important function, especially in finding learning materials online,” he added.

Dr. Taufiq also called upon parents to ensure that the devices are used for learning.

“On this occasion, I would also like to record appreciation on behalf of UMS to the 126 Tabung PdPR contributors who have accumulated a total of RM14,003 in a period of two weeks starting January 25 and ending February 7.

“Interestingly, contributions were received from all levels whether from the group of management and professional, academics, support groups, retirees, statutory staff and external companies.

“Indeed, this proves that our family spirit is very strong in this difficult time no matter what position and wherever we are,” he added.

According to PPUMS president Mohamad Edrus Othman, the association received over 100 applications and eligible recipients hail from UMS Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and Labuan branches.

Source: https://www.theborneopost.com/2021/03/05/27-ums-staff-in-b40-group-receive-devices/


KOTA KINABALU: The Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Hospital is expected to begin operations by the end of next year. 

UMS Board of Directors Chairman Datuk Sri Abdul Rahman Dahlan said it would serve as a practical training centre for UMS students.

He said it would also be open to the public seeking medical treatment. 

“The hospital with a capacity of 400 beds will provide facilities to the public.

“We hope the construction of the hospital will be a catalyst for the well-being of the people in the state,” he told the media after the Pro-Chancellor Appointment Letter Presentation Ceremony to the Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Mohd Noor.

Hajiji Mohd Noor has been appointed effective Jan. 1, 2021. 

Head of State Tun Dr Juhar Muhairuddin handed over the letter to Hajiji at the Istana Negeri. Apart from Hajiji, another UMS Pro Chancellor is Tan Sri Azman Hashim.

 Present were UMS Vice-Chancellor Prof. Datuk ChM. Ts. Dr Taufiq Yap Yun Hin and senior officials.

Also making a courtesy call was the new Sabah Federal Secretary Datuk Dr. Zulkapli Mohamed who replaced Datuk Samsuni Mohd Nor.



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