MOU IPMB 1WEDNESDAY, 18th MARCH – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) continues their efforts in developing research in marine areas by signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with both local and international institutions.

The latest, UMS Borneo Marine Research Institute (BMRI) signed three memorandums which will aid in providing structured and committed approach to working more closely together in a smart partnership arrangement in the areas of marine science and aquaculture.

The three institutions are National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU), Universitas Borneo Tarakan (UBT) and Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre (SEAFDEC), Philippines.

BMRI Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rossita Shapawi, said that through these MoUs will enable UMS to exchange knowledge and experience with better learning outcomes and also spearheading intellectual development.

At the MoUs signing ceremony, UMS was represented by Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah and Acting Registrar, No’man Hj. Ahmad.

NTOU was represented by their President, Prof. Dr. Ching-Fong Chang and Director of International Affairs Office of NTOU, Dr. Yew-Hu Chien, while UBT was represented by the Rector, Dr. Bambang Widigdo, and Deputy Rector Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Ir. Setyo Pertiwi.

SEAFDEC/AQD was represented by Office of the Chief, Dr. Felix G. Ayson. –ZMD (JA)

Media and Citra Division
Fhoto: Ernest Berinus

kempen berbasikalWEDNESDAY, 18th MARCH – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah launched Cycling Campaign with 40 staffs and students this morning.

According to him, the campaign was aimed to promote cycling as one of the university activities, thus, promoting the EcoCampus practises in UMS.

“At the same time, the campaign also promotes awareness to students to be active and practising healthy lifestyle. This is also one of the steps in instilling ecocampus values among UMS community,” he said when asked by the media during the launching.

At the campaign, Datuk Harun cycled from the Main Gate and the surrounding UMS areas before ending his journey at Dataran Dewan Canselor.

He was also accompanied by Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali, and Centre for Co-Curriculum and Student Development Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raman Noordin. – SM (JA)

Media and Citra Division
Photo: Johaidi Ismail

ICOMSA 2015TUESDAY, 17th MARCH – More than 50 local and international participants took part in International Conference on Marine Science and Aquaculture (ICOMSA) organized by Borneo Marine Research Institute (BMRI), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

The three days conference begins today will discuss challenges and opportunities in developing blue economy.

According to the Sabah Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, Datuk Seri Panglima Yahya Hussin, developing blue economy with sustainable benefits will help strengthen Malaysia’s ability in protecting the country’s border, sources and the people.

“Protection to marine resources and national security were the major challenges that we face in order to preserve peace, prosperity and national security,” he said.

His speech was read by Sabah Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, Datuk Sairin Karno.

He also urged researchers to discuss issues on blue economy and collectively contribute in trying to tackle challenges hindering the country’s development and economic growth and also human welfare.

Earlier, UMS Vice-Chancellor, Profesor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah said the blue economy linked to the stability of marine ecosystem, and therefore health of blue economy will depend on the health of the ocean ecosystem.

ICOMSA 2015 will also cover discussion on ways to support activities that will improve aquatic ecosystem health in terms of biologically, culture and also economic welfare.–ZMD (JA)

Photo: Ernest Berinus
Media and Citra Division


mou ums adabiRABU, 18 MAC - Para pelajar tahun empat program Teknologi Makanan, Fakulti Sains Makanan dan Pemakanan (FSMP) perlu mengikuti kursus Pembangunan Produk Makanan di syarikat Adabi Consumer Industries Sdn Bhd.

Itu antara aktiviti kerjasama Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) dengan Adabi yang diumumkan Naib Canselor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah pada majlis penandatanganan Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) semalam.   

Datuk Harun berkata, melalui pengalaman luas yang dimiliki Adabi, amat sesuai pelajar UMS mengikuti kursus itu yang mewajibkan para pelajar membangunkan produk makanan baharu dari sumber-sumber tempatan serta menyediakan pelan perniagaan untuk memasarkan produk tersebut.

“Pengetahuan saintifik dan teknologi digarapkan bersama aspek keusahawanan agar graduan kita kelak mempunyai kelebihan dan berdaya saing,” katanya. 

Menyentuh mengenai MoU berkenaan, beliau memberitahu ia merupakan kesinambungan daripada Surat Niat yang dimeterai pada 2012.

“Pihak UMS amat berbangga dapat menjalin kerjasama dengan peneraju pembuatan makanan tempatan yang telah ditubuhkan sejak 30 tahun lalu dan diusahakan seratus peratus oleh tenaga kerja warga tempatan. 

“Daripada kerjasama UMS dan Adabi, kini sudah terdapat dua produk dalam pasaran seluruh Malaysia yang mempunyai logo UMS dan tagline, ‘Hasil Kerjasama Bersama Universiti Malaysia Sabah.’ Saya percaya ini merupakan satu sejarah dalam bidang akademik di Malaysia dan pertama kali hasil penyelidikan bersama universiti dan syarikat tempatan dipasarkan dengan logo universiti tersebut,” tambahnya Datuk Harun lagi. 

MoU yang ditandatangani itu turut merangkumi kerjasama dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran, program latihan industri bagi pelajar dan kakitangan akademik FSMP, program penyelidikan dan pembangunan produk, latihan industri untuk kakitangan akademik,  panel penasihat Industri bagi FSMP dan penyelidikan bersama penyelidik dan konsultansi.

Datuk Harun turut mewakili UMS menandatangani dokumen MoU, sementara syarikat Adabi diwakili Presiden, Adrian Yeoh Hj. Roslan.

Hadir menyaksikan upacara itu, Pemangku Pendaftar UMS, No’man Datuk Hj Ahmad dan Dekan FSMP, Prof. Madya Dr. Sharifudin  Md. Shaarani. -SS

Foto: Johaidi Ismail
Bahagian Media dan Citra

Wahid-8935TUESDAY, 17th MARCH – Minister in Prime Minister’s Department, Senator Dato’ Sri Abdul Wahid Omar, recently visit Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) hatchery at Borneo Marine Research Institute (IPMB).

He was greeted by UMS Chairman Board of Directors, Tun Dato’ Seri Zaki Tun Azmi and the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah.

Dato’ Sri Abdul Wahid was also given a talk on the research process and operation management of the Hatchery by IPMB Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rossita Sapawi.

Later, he was accompanied by Tun Dato’ Seri Tun Zaki to see the breeding activities area and marine life research in the hatchery such as fish and prawn. –SS (JA)

Photo: Ernest Berinus
Media and Citra Division



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