SPTA JOE1818THURSDAY, 29 MAY – The School of International Tropical Forestry (SPTA) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) once again organised an International Seminar on Tropical Forest Carbon Stock Assessment in conjunction with World Forestry Day 2014.

The seminar was a gathering of results and research studies in Sabah, Peninsular Malaysia and Cambodia on the assessment of carbon stocks in tropical forests.

According to the organising chairman, Dr. Phua Mui How, the seminar was an ideal platform for the dissemination of information and discussion between experts and concerned parties in the implementation of Reduction from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) in Sabah.

He added that REDD was a mechanism to reduce Green house Gas emissions by giving payments as compensation.

“Preserving carbon stocks and the financial mechanism is regarded as one of the most effective approaches in reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere,” he said.

According to him, Malaysia was expected to become one of the non-Annex I countries that will implement REDD in the future.

The one-day seminar was attended by about 200 participants from the Sabah Forestry Department, Sabah Foundation, Sabah Forest Industries, Forest Research Institute of Japan and the University of Japan besides participants from UMS itself. – ZMD (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

asasi14KHAMIS, 29 MEI - Bermula seramai 33 orang sahaja pada pengambilan pertama Program Asasi Sains 2010/2011, kini Pusat Persediaan Sains dan Teknologi (PPST) telah melahirkan 359 pelajar yang telah mengikuti pelbagai bidang aliran sains dalam peringkat pengajian Ijazah Sarjana Muda di UMS.
Malah, kumpulan pertama pelajar program Asasi Sains ini dijangka akan menamatkan pengajian mereka pada tahun ini, iaitu bersempena dengan sambutan ulang tahun UMS ke-20. Jelas sekali, program Asasi Sains di bawah penyeliaan PPST berada dalam landasan tepat dalam melahirkan lebih ramai pelajar yang berkemahiran dalam pelbagai program sains yang ditawarkan di universiti ini.
Menurut Naib Canselor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah, pelajar yang terpilih saban tahun ke dalam program ini sememangnya beruntung kerana persaingan di antara pelajar untuk diterima masuk ke universiti amatlah sengit dengan peningkatan jumlah pelajar meraih semua gred A dalam Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) semakin meningkat pada masa kini.
"Anda sememangnya sangat bertuah kerana terpilih menjadi sebahagian warga UMS yang mempunyai prasarana yang canggih dan sumber lengkap untuk para pelajar merasa ketenangan dan fokus sepanjang pengajian di universiti.
"Semoga peluang yang diperoleh ini tidak akan dipersiakan, sebaliknya menjadi pembakar semangat dan menanam tekad untuk meneruskan perjuangan menuntut ilmu demi kejayaan yang lebih cemerlang," katanya ketika merasmikan penutupan Minggu Suai Mesra Pelajar Baharu Program Asasi Sains Sesi 2014/2015 di Dewan Canselor UMS.
Beliau turut menyeru para pelajar asasi sains sesi ini mengamalkan sikap positif dan tekad untuk berjaya, serta memikul tanggungjawab secara kolektif bersama warga universiti untuk menaikkan nama UMS ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi.
Seramai 318 pelajar dari seluruh negara terpilih bagi pengajian  program Asasi Sains sesi 2014/2015. -MA-

Gambar : Ernest Berinus
Bahagian Media dan Citra
Jabatan Canselori

FBnews2WEDNESDAY, 28 MAY- “The Media and Citra Division, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is in its efforts to increase the number of followers in the social media account of the university.

Thus, the division is actively promoting the university's social sites, Facebook and Twitter accounts to facilitate interaction with the public including the campus community.

In a statement issued today, the division also said that three new media namely YouTube, Flickr and Linked-In accounts will be launched to share the university's image to be shared with the public.

According to the statement, UMS Facebook accounts has so far reached more than 10 thousand social network followers and are expected to increase when the three new media are launched soon.

As such, all UMS students, staff and alumni including the public who want to keep track of the latest update and information on UMS can log on to UMS Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/UMS.official. -ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

adikarya spsWEDNESDAY, 28 MAY- An exhibition on the works of undergrads majoring in Creative Writing, School of Arts (SPS) can be a catalyst to fuel their passion to produce high quality work.

Deputy Dean of SPS, Dr. Sim Chee Cheang said the undergrads successful production of their works in the Final Project Writing Programme: Masterpiece was a starting point for their future success.

"Writing works greatly influences one's thoughts. Reading a good writing will provide insights and lessons to readers.

"Therefore, students are encouraged to produce works of high quality and not to create work which are of mediocre quality," she said at the exhibition at SPS recently.

Meanwhile, some creative writings by undergrads were also recognised in an award presentation under a number of categories contested.

Thesis Writing and Best Book Awards was won by Ibtisam Johar, whilst Best Poetry Award went to Mohd. Hafizol Abd. Wahab.

Best Script Writing Award went to Muhammad Faizal Mustapha and Best Novel was won by Norasitah Abd. Kinu.

Nor Shaida Abdul Latif bagged the Best Critic Writing, whilst Best Exhibition Award was won by Asri Busri. -MA (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

DyslexiaWEDNESDAY, 28 MAY -The Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Health Services, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and the US Embassy Kuala Lumpur will be organising a free public screening of a documentary film on 'The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia', and a dialogue with the film director, James Redford.

The event will be held on Thursay, 29 May at Lecture Hall B1, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (School of Medicine) starting at 2.00 pm.

This is a film which provides a personal and uplifting account of the dyslexic experience from children, experts and iconic leaders, such as Sir Richard Branson and financier Charles Schwab. This film, not only clears up the misconceptions about the condition, but also paints a picture of hope for all who struggle with it. The Big Picture beautifully illustrates that while the condition is an obstacle, it also carries some unique advantages, and ultimately can be overcome.

All are welcome.

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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