perniagaan 2KHAMIS, 05 DISEMBER – Karnival Inovasi Perniagaan menjadi tumpuan lebih 500 pengunjung daripada warga Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) dan penduduk setempat.

Karnival anjuran Pelajar Tahun Tiga, kursus Pengurusan Perhotelan Sekolah Perniagaan Ekonomi (SPE) itu nyata cukup meriah apabila tidak putus-putus dengan kehadiran pengunjung sejak dibuka seawal jam 8.00 pagi tadi di Perkarangan Dewan Canselor UMS.

Pengelola karnival berkenaan, Song Xiu Hui ketika dihubungi media Canselori berkata, pelbagai pengisian yang dijalankan telah menjadi daya penarik kepada kehadiran mereka untuk sama-sama memeriahkan karnival tersebut.

“Antaranya, demonstrasi makanan daripada chef jemputan, sesi ceramah daripada Malaysian Association of Hospitality (MAH) serta pameran dan barangan hasil kreativiti,” ujarnya yang turut mendapat seliaan daripada pensyarah modul Atur Cara Khas,  Juliana Langgat.

Song Xiu menambah, penganjuran karnival tersebut antara lain bertujuan untuk mengetengahkan pelbagai inovasi perniagaan dalam pelbagai aspek.

“Selain pelajar daripada Kursus Pengurusan Perhotelan, pelajar daripada kursus lain seperti pelajar Keusahawanan dan pelajar Sains Pengurusan Makanan juga turut terlibat dalam menjayakan acara ini,” ujarnya lagi.

Di samping itu katanya, para pengunjung juga turut disajikan beberapa jenis permainan seperti Onion Crush, Fruit Attack dan Test and Guess.

Majlis perasmiannya telah disempurnakan oleh Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni, Prof. Madya Datuk Dr. Kasim Md. Mansur. -SS-

Bahagian Media
Jabatan Canselori
Sumber Gambar: Johaidi Ismail, BPK

Sidek PPIBTUESDAY, 03 DECEMBER – About 500 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) students attended a Public Talk presented by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Sidek Baba which was held at the Lecture Hall Centre 1, UMS recently.

Themed ‘Realising Earth’s Agenda For Humankind In the Context of the Country’, the talk organised by Centre For the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning (PPIB) captivated the students attention who were pursuing the Ethnic Relations Course and Islamic Civilisation and Asian Civilisation course, two core public university compulsory subjects.

According to Dato’ Dr. Sidek, being understanding and tolerant should co-exists in creating a harmonious life where each individual had the right to live and in fair opportunities, covered by law so that the democracy process was alive to guarantee peace.

“A better life must be based on knowledge and education grounded with ethics and values. In the Malaysian context which has a unique society with diverse background and understanding, sharing and being tolerant are important,” he stressed.

He added that the difference in belief and culture should not be a hindrance but a parallel point which should be nourished for the sake of harmony.

Also present was PPIB Deputy Dean of Academic and International, Dr. Suraya Sintang who represented the Dean. – SS


Media Division
Chancellery Department

Photo: PPIB

MulianaMONDAY, 02 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) continues to carve its name through its lone female finalist when she won third placing in the Malaysian Motivator Competition Intervarsity 1Malaysia Series II.

Muliana advanced to the finals with five other male contestants; two from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) and one each from the Kota Bharu Teachers Training Institute, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia and Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.

“It is a challenge for me being the only female contestant who made it to the finals and the last to present. However, at the same time I am proud to be among the male contestants because they are all excellent,” she said.

With the title ‘Leaders and Leadership’ at the finals, Muliana did not expect to win third placing as all finalists were superb and extraordinary.

“I belief this success is because of the prayers of my family, friends and mentor. This victory is not for me but for UMS, my beloved university,’ she added.

Malaysian Motivator Competition Intervarsity 1Malaysia is a programme to develop talent and provide early exposure to potential students in the field of motivator.

UMS was represented by Muhammad Adlizan Admancur and Muliana Tahir who were third year students of the School of Psychology and Social Work (SPKS). Muliana took home cash prize of RM200.00, a certificate and trophy.

The competition organised by UPSI attracted 10 institutions of Higher Learning (IPTA) with each one represented by two contestants. Champion and 1st Runner-up were both won by the organising university. – ZMD

Media Division
Chancellery Department

papsSELASA, 03 DISEMBER - Bengkel Peningkatan Kreativiti dan Inovatif melalui aktiviti ‘Hands-On’ menggunakan bahan-bahan ringkas telah diadakan di makmal Pusat Persediaan Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), baru-baru ini.

Program selama dua hari itu merupakan anjuran Program Pendidikan Sains, Sekolah Pendidikan dan Pembangunan Sosial (SPPS) dengan kerjasama pelajar Pascasiswazah Program Program Sarjana Pendidikan (Pengurusan Pendidikan) Semester 3.

Ia telah dikendalikan penceramah jemputan dari Greenview Secondary School, Singapura, Dr. Muhammad Nazir Amir dengan menggunakan pendekatan pengajaran melalui Pembinaan Alat Permainan Berasaskan Sains (PAPS).

PAPS merupakan pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dihasilkan oleh Dr. Muhammad Nazir melalui kajian tindakannya yang mendapati pendekatan tersebut mampu meningkatkan kreativiti, minat, dan motivasi dalam kalangan pelajar berkebolehan rendah untuk mempelajari Fizik.

Dr. Muhammad Nazir dalam bengkelnya juga menunjukkan bagaimana PAPS dapat diintegrasikan dengan subjek yang lain seperti reka cipta dan teknologi yang secara tidak langsung mendedahkan pelajar tentang pendekatan Sains, Teknologi, Kejuruteraan dan Matematik (STEM).

Dalam pada itu, penyelaras program berkenaan, Dr. Siew Nyet Moi @ Sopiah Abdullah berkata, bengkel tersebut telah memberikan satu cetusan idea baru kepada para peserta program untuk mencungkil kreativiti dan memupuk minat serta motivasi dalam kalangan murid di sekolah kelak melalui pendekatan yang ditunjukkan.

“Ini dapat ditunjukkan melalui hasil dapatan soal selidik selepas bengkel yang mana 100% daripada peserta telah bersetuju bahawa pendekatan yang dikongsi dalam bengkel ini telah memberikan idea untuk berfikir secara kreatif, meningkat motivasi dan minat pelajar dalam pembelajaran Sains dan seterusnya mereka akan mengesyorkan kepada guru-guru lain di sekolah agar belajar mengenai pengajaran sains melalui pendekatan PAPS,” ujarnya lagi.

Seramai 21 pelajar Sains Program Pensisiwazahan Guru (PPG) Kohot II dan III bersama 24 pelajar Sains Pra-Siswazah Semester 1 dan 4 telah terlibat dalam program tersebut. Hadir sama, pensyarah SPPS,  Dr. Dennis Andrew D. Lajium mewakili Dekan SPPS, Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim. -SS-

Bahagian Media
Jabatan Canselori

Sumber: SPPS

FRIDAY, 28 NOVEMBER – Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning (PPIB) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently launched a festschrift as a token of appreciation to the former dean of the centre, Prof. Dr. Ahmat Adam.

Festschrift was an academic project of PPIB and aimed at honouring the deeds of the honouree and his contributions to the scholarly field both in national and international levels.

According to the dean of PPIB, Prof. Dr. Vincent Pang, the festschrift  entitled ‘Qasidah Tinta’ reflected the interest of Prof. Dr. Ahmat who used writing as a way to contribute towards the field of knowledge and changing the mindset of society.

The said festschrift contained 15 papers contributed by friends and former students of the professor from within and outside the country involving the field of history, social sciences and humanities.

Prof. Dr. Ahmat Adam was awarded the Johan Setia Mahkota (JSM) in 2002 for his dedication in contributing towards the development, and strengthening of higher education in the country.

The festschrift of Qasidah Tinta was held at the 3rd Floor, PPIB Meeting Room and was attended by more than 100 people consisting of staff and students of the centre. – ZMD

Media Division
Chancellery Department



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