us2TUESDAY, 10 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) welcomes student exchange programme from the United States of America to this EcoCampus university as an effort to develop and improve on education for both countries.
According to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kasim Md. Mansur, UMS is ready to enrol students from the USA to further their studies in UMS thus creating a scientific research collaboration.

“Besides that, student and staff exchange among universities of these two countries would help in increasing cultural understanding among the people of these two countries,” he said.

He said this when officiating at the Handing Over of Books from the Library of America Series to UMS Library which was held at the Prime Collection Section.

At the ceremony, 100 books were donated to the library in the form of novels, poems, essays and dramas from well-known American writers. Among them were the Lincoln Anthology, Mark Twain, Henry David Thoreau and Parkman. The books were handed over by the US Ambassador to Malaysia Joseph Y. Yun to Senior Deputy Chief Librarian, Haji Zawawi Tiyunin.

Earlier, Joseph said that the handing over of books was an initial step towards fostering closer ties between America and UMS Library, and Malaysia generally.

“Malaysia and America has something in common, that is its populations are made up of different races and religions. Hence, prejudices and differences should not be a big issue but to find a common ground and improve on the existing cooperation,” he added.

Also present was the wife of the ambassador, Dr. Melanie Billings-Yun. – ZMD

Media Division
Chancellery Department

Photo: Musaab Umair, Corporate Relations Division

kesumbaMONDAY, 09 DECEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah Housewives and Women Staff Club (KESUMBA) today paid a courtesy call to the wife of the Head of State, Toh Puan Datuk Seri Panglima Hajah Norlidah Datuk R. M. Jasni at the State Palace, Kota Kinabalu.

The courtesy call made was to introduce the new Exco line-up of KESUMBA and to invite Her Excellency to the Charity Dinner organised by KESUMBA which will be held in March next year.

At the same time, the call was to enlighten the activities organised by KESUMBA which would be held next year such as religious, cultural and sports activities.

According to the Chairman of KESUMBA, Datin Baidah Ibrahim, all the activities planned for next year would involve the community which would strengthen relations between the university and local communities.

“We also planned to have more activities so as to introduce this club to the outside community,” she added.

Accompanying Datin Baidah was the wife of UMS Registrar, Datin Nurah Ag. Bungsu and nine Supreme Exco Members of the club. – ZMD

Media Division
Chancellery Department

watikah mppJUMAAT, 6 DISEMBER – Barisan Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) UMS diingat agar memberi komitmen penuh dengan pihak universiti ke arah membentuk para pelajar yang prihatin dan serius terhadap pelaksanaan program Eco Campus menjelang 2017.
Naib Canselor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah berkata, barisan kepimpinan pelajar ini haruslah bersifat global dan lebih berinovatif dalam melaksanakan tugas agar UMS mampu mencapai piawaian universiti bertaraf antarabangsa.
“Sebagai barisan kepimpinan di MPP UMS bebanan dalam menggalas tugas sebagai pemimpin adalah tanggungjawab yang sangat penting sebagai medium perantara suara pelajar dan dalam menyampaikan hasrat dan harapan universiti kepada mahasiswa,”.
“Harapan universiti agar MPP dapat memberi kelainan dan misi tersendiri dalam menyokong program universiti, khususnya program berteraskan Eco Campus,” katanya. Beliau berkata demikian dalam satu Majlis Penyampaian Watikah Pelantikan dan Ikrar Aku Janji MPP Sesi 2013/2014 di Dewan Bankuasi, Bangunan Dewan Canselor.
Beliau turut menyeru barisan kepimpinan pelajar agar sentiasa proaktif dalam menggerakkan aktiviti-aktiviti kemahasiswaan serta menjaga imej dan nama baik universiti di peringkat nasional dan global.
“Saya berharap MPP sesi kali ini berusaha menjadi tuan rumah Majlis Perundingan Pelajar Kebangsaan (MPPK) selaras dengan program meraikan ulang tahun UMS ke-20 tahun depan,” ujarnya.
Turut hadir pada majlis tersebut Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni, Prof. Madya Datuk Dr. Kasim Md. Mansur dan Pengarah UMS Kampus Antarabangsa Labuan, Prof. Madya Dr. Ismail Ali.  –MA–   

Bahagian Media
Jabatan Canselori

sukaneka masjidJUMAAT, 6 DISEMBER – Bersempena dengan Program Kelas Al-Quran Dan Iqra' UMS Siri II/2013, Unit Hal Ehwal Unit Hal Ehwal Islam dan Masjid (UHEIM) telah mengadakan aktiviti sukaneka yang melibatkan pelajar dan ibu bapa di Perkarangan Masjid kelmarin.
Menurut Ketua program, Ustazah Noorisah Taljid, aktiviti ini dianjurkan bertujuan untuk memupuk tali siratulrahim dan mewujudkan persaingan sihat melalui pertandingan sukaneka di antara ibu bapa dan pelajar bersama para pembimbing kelas.
Sukaneka tersebut melibatkan pertandingan bagi tiga kategori umur, iaitu kategori pelajar lelaki dan perempuan berumur 4 hingga 6 tahun, lelaki dan perempuan 7 hingga 9 tahun, dan lelaki dan perempuan 10 hingga 12 tahun. Acara yang dipertandingkan adalah seperti membawa bola dalam sudu, tiup belon sampai pecah, musical chair, makan biskut paling cepat dan treasure hunt.
Tidak ketinggalan para ibu bapa juga turut serta dalam pertandingan boling padang dan mencipta pakaian kreatif.
Program kemudiannya diakhiri dengan majlis penyampaian hadiah epada para pemenang pertandingan sukaneka dan solat Zuhur berjemaah. -SM-

Bahagian Media
Jabatan Canselori

karnival perniagaan1THURSDAY, 5 DECEMBERUndergraduates were urged to instil the entrepreneurship nature in them to develop their career in future.
Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah said that undergraduates should apply creativity and innovation to create a business environment that is viable and competitive in order to compete in an increasingly challenging world.
“Those who ignore the values of creativity and innovation will be left behind and remain behind the competitors who will continually produce innovative products or services in accordance with the current development of the world,” he said when officiating at the Business Innovation Carnival 2013 at the Chancellor Hall Square, UMS.
His speech was read by his representative, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Md. Mansur. Also present was the Chairman of the Malaysian Hotels Association, Craig Powell.
He said, the involvement of the School of Food Science and Nutrition (SSMP) in the carnival this time not only helped foster relationship among the students but also encouraged their participation into venturing the business industry which is growing rapidly.
The one day programme themed ‘Successful Innovation Begins Here’ was participated by students of Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Entrepreneurship in Food Service, Retailing in Entrepreneurship and Introduction to the Hospitality Industry Programmes. – MA-
Media Division
Chancellery Division
Photo: Johaidi Ismail, CRD



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