14 naik pangkatKHAMIS, 08 JANUARY – A total of 14 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) staff received their Promotion Letter in a simple ceremony at Café D’Sireh, Chancellery Building UMS, today.

The 14 comprised six staff who were promoted to Senior Lecturer DS52, four Head Deputy Registrar N54, three Senior Deputy Registrar N52 and one post for the Deputy Senior Head Librarian S52.

Dr. Dg. Norizah Ag Kiflee @ Dzulkifli topped the list of recipients for the Senior Lecturer post, followed by Lai Che Ching @ Abdul Latif, Joki Perdani Sawai, Shirley @ Marylinda Bakansing, Sidah Idris dan Haslinda Hassan.

For the Head Deputy Registrar, the recipients were Vina Zahriani Yusof @ Vina Joseph, Darwis Manainus Awang Kangit, Mohd Raffie Hj. Janau and Luqman Ridha Anwar.

As for the promotion to Senior Deputy Registrar, the posts were offered to Haji Firdaus Abdullah, Aidah Noordin and Zamri Mohammad Tuah.

Meanwhile, Anna Michael was the sole recipient for the post of Deputy Senior Librarian.

The promotion letters were presented by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah witnessed by Acting Registrar of UMS, No’man Hj. Ahmad. – SS (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division

masjid umsWEDNESDAY, 07 JANUARY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Mosque and Islamic Affairs Unit (UHEIM) continues in its proactive move in religious education by organising the Al-Quran and Fardhu Ain Class (KAFA).

According to a statement issued by UHEIM recently, participation to this class is opened to children of UMS staff and the surrounding community aged 7 to 12 years with a fee of RM30.00 per month.

The statement also added that the programme jointly organised by UHEIM and the Islamic Development of Malaysia (JAKIM) will be held daily from Monday to Friday from 2 February 2015 at UMS Mosque.

Entry forms and class schedule can be downloaded from UMS website at www.ums.edu/masjid.

For more information on the programme, please contact the secretariat at 019-8042698 (Ustazah Kartini Ismail) or 088-320000 extension 2742. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division

ums vc salur bantuanWEDNESDAY, 07 JANUARY – The flood disaster experienced by residents of Kota Belud district caught the attention of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

In view of that, Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah presented contributions in the form of foodstuff to villages adversely affected by the recent floods.

“Hopefully these contributions could relieve some of the burden caused by this disaster,” he was quoted as saying in his official Facebook page.

In his pictorial status posts, Datuk Dr. Harun praised the involvement of UMS students who were willing to help those residents affected by the floods, even though during their exam week.

“I hope all students can adopt volunteerism as a way to form their personality to be future leaders,” he added.

Besides Kota Belud district, UMS also presented goods in Beaufort and Sikuati, Kudat. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division

BanjirTUESDAY, 06 JANUARY Floods that hit the west coast areas of Sabah especially in Kota Belud and Beaufort caught the attention of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah when he led volunteers in distributing aid to the affected flood victims.

According to Datuk Harun, the volunteers involved 20 staff and 80 students of UMS who started their mission by collecting basic necessities such as rice, milk, mineral water and so on with total goods amounting to RM15,000.

“UMS is always ready to assist communities affected by calamities such as floods that occurred in some areas because we are also responsible in helping to reduce the difficulties faced by the victims,” Datuk Harun explained when met at the Tun Said Keruak Community Hall, Kota Belud yesterday.

The symbolic handover by Datuk Harun to the Assistant District Officer of Kota Belud, Peter Jiton was witnessed by the Deputy Minister of Public Works, YB Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin at the hall.

Datuk Harun who led the UMS post-flood relief mission in the areas said besides distributing donations to flood victims, one can also witness for themselves the situation and the damage caused by the floods.

“We not only donate materials, but we will do follow-up sessions especially on the psychological and emotional state of the flood victims that are affected due to the disaster that had hit them.”

“I commend the efforts and energy displayed by UMS students who are willing to spend some time to voluntarily assist in this mission,” added Datuk Harun.

Datuk Harun also went to Kg. Lingkodon visiting from house to house residents whose houses were affected, to deliver food parcels.

According to one villager, Selamat Soor, 45, he recounted how the water level raised rapidly. But the villagers were able to transfer their vehicles to higher ground as they were well prepared .

“We are grateful for the concern shown by UMS in helping us during our difficulties after the flood,” he said, overwhelmed by the involvement of UMS in helping to reduce their burden.

At Kg. Tanjung Pasir Labuan, a total of 60 victims were still taking shelter in a village mosque.

A total of 60 food parcels were delivered by Datuk Harun to the resident representatives, the Chairman of JKK Kg. Tanjung Pasir Labuan, Jelin Sidum.

According to Jelin, although the flood had receded, some houses were still inundated by the flood waters.

“On behalf of the residents affected by the flood, we are grateful with the assistance given,” said Jelin. – CD (fl)

Photo: Musaab Umair Ambotola

Media and Citra Division


imageTUESDAY, 07 JANUARY Being caring and a sense of responsibility towards the local community, the Housewives and Women Staff Club (KESUMBA)of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) distributed contributions to flood victims in Kota Belud district, recently.

A total of RM4,000 worth of contributions in the form of essential goods such as mineral water, dry food, diapers for both children and adults were donated.

According to the Chief Bureau of Economy and Consumerism of the club, Siti Aisya Rainawaty Abd Rashid, the contributions were brought to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK) UMS before being transferred to the Dewan Tun Said Kota Belud.

She added that the contributions were also distributed to two temporary centres at Kampung Taun Gusi and Sekolah Chung Hwa Kota Belud.

Meanwhile, the President of KESUMBA, Datin Baidah Ibrahim said they were ready to deliver the aid along with UMS management to any aid mission to the local population.

“I hope this good intention and efforts will be continued in the future,” she added.

KESUMBA also welcome any donations from all parties.

Contributions in the form of money can be channeled to KESUMBA flood victims fund at CIMB Bank account no: 8601439537.

Any enquiries may be directed to the Honorary Secretary of KESUMBA, Norti Sirin at 019-8603971 or the Head of Puteri KESUMBA, Nurul Izza Noordin at 013-8500362. – ZMD (fl)


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