kkfm banjirTUESDAY, 06 JANUARY – KKFM is currently opening a collection centre and receiving donations to help flood victims in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia and affected areas around Sabah.

According to a statement released by the Campus Radio Station of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), those who wish to donate can come directly to the office of KKFM at Level 1, South Block, UMS Chancellery Building during office hours.

Among the items that can be donated includes clothing, food, hijab, prayer sets, rubber slippers and other related needs.

The statement also added that the collection of donations would be held until 15 January after which the collected items will be distributed to the flood victims.

For further question or information, please call 088-448995. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division

Datuk Abdullah Mohd SaidMONDAY, 05 JANUARY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Registrar, Datuk Abdullah Hj Mohd. Said is appointed as the Chairman of ULINK Property Sdn Bhd with effect from today.The announcement came through a letter of appointment signed by the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah dated 24 December 2014.The appointment also made him the second chairman of ULINK Property Sdn Bhd replacing Datuk K. Y. Mustafa whose term expired in 2014. Datuk Abdullah, 60, started his career at UMS as Senior Assistant Registrar in 1995 before being appointed as Registrar of UMS in 2008.Equipped with a broad knowledge, he will be retiring this year and was considered to be the right candidate for the post to empower the organisation through the sharing of his experience.For the record, ULINK Property Sdn Bhd is a subsidiary of UMS responsible in matters related to the commercialisation of inventions, innovations and services developed through research and development (R&D) activities. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division


lawatan fssaMONDAY, 05th JANUARY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah, set things moving for New Year 2015 by having a working visit earlier this morning to the Faculty of Science and Natural Resources.
His visit to the faculty was welcomed by FSSA Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baba Musta, and over 50 FSSA staffs including academicians, management and professional officers and also support and administrator staffs.
Datuk Harun working visit concentrates on examining both the facilities and the environment condition in the faculty building. He also had a meeting with the staffs to listen to FSSA current development status and taking notes on their obstacles and shortages for improvement purposes.
He also touched on the subject of staffs and students welfare and maintenance issues to ensure a quality services provided in aiding teaching, learning and innovation systems in the university.
Datuk Harun visit to FSSA is the second visit for him since the commencement of Schools to Faculties. His first visit was the meeting with Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage staffs. -MA(JA)-

Photo : Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division


nurlina arappe mppMONDAY, 05 JANUARY – Students should check on the validity of certain information especially in a state when the public is dealing with any crisis.

According to the Deputy President of the Student Representatives Council (MPP) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Nurlina Arappe, students need to learn from recent cases involving the spreading of false information related to the flood crisis in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia which triggered misunderstanding among the authorities, flood victims and the public.

“Hence, the need for awareness that spreading of such information is not something that can be taken lightly because any information submitted have an impact no matter how large or small. The spreading of information that is not authentic will create slander, misunderstanding and chaos in society,” she said.

She added that legal action should be taken against individuals who were not responsible and tried to take advantage of the crisis

She was speaking to UMS media when asked to comment on the spreading of false information through social media and social sites recently.

In view of that, Nurlina urged UMS students to not fall into the act of spreading false news. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division

pendaftar Kesah himpunFRIDAY, 02 JANUARY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Registrar, Datuk Abdullah Hj Mohd Said highlighted on four aspects to promote excellence in their work; knowledge, skills, attitude and health, abbreviated to ‘KeSAH’.

He was speaking at the Gallery, Chancellery Building in front of about 150 management and professional Level officers including support and administrator staff.

Datuk Abdullah added, the four aspects were aimed to produce staff or employees who are excellent and made UMS proud.

“Make KeSAH your daily practice. Although initially it might be difficult to implement but eventually it will become part of our culture,” he said.

He cited the appointment of the new Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) as an example, Christoph Mueller who held an excellent track record, and who was chosen to helm MAS as its new leader from 2015.

Datuk Abdullah also launched a book ‘Panduan Perkhidmatan Universiti’ (University’s Services Reference Book) as a reference and guide for all staff.

Also present were Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and International, Prof. Dr. Shariff AK Omang and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali. – CD (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division




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