Announcement from:  Persatuan Perubatan Desa Sabah (PERDESA) Sabah Rural Medicine Society

Dear Prof./Assoc. Prof./Mr./Ms.,




05th August 2022 (Friday)






Meeting Room, Public Health Medicine Department

Level 3, Block E, FPSK, UMS

Welcome to our 14th Annual General Meeting. Agenda of the meeting are as follow:

1) Opening Address by the President

2) Approval of Minutes of the 13th Annual General Meeting

3) Secretary's Report

4) Treasurer's Report

5) Proposal of new motions

6) Nominations for committee 

7) New President's remarks

8) Presentation of certificates

9) Lucky Draw

10) Closing, Refreshment & Networking


Do you want to serve the community? Join us! 

We would like to invite everyone to become a member of PERDESA or renew your membership if it has expired. You can check your membership status with Ms. Rina Norgainathai 016-5181023. For membership registration/renewal, please visit 

PERDESA AGM 14 (pdf.)


Announcement From: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International)

Announcement on the Teaching and Learning Sessions at Universiti Malaysia Sabah for the 2022/2023 Academic Session

Please be informed that the 2022/2023 UMS academic session will begin on 10 October 2022 (Monday), with the registration of new students. All new students are to undergo an orientation programme called Majlis Suai Mesra (MSM).

The lecture sessions will begin on 17 October 2022 (Monday) for all current and new students. In this regard, full physical (F2F) Teaching and Learning (TnL) processes will be implemented at the Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and Labuan campuses.

Students are to check the lecture schedule in their respective portals to ensure adequate planning and preparation before lecture begins.

UMS students who are returning to the campus are required to comply with all pertinent standard operating procedures (SOPs) imposed by the relevant authorities.

TnL activities such as lectures, use of laboratories, lecture rooms, libraries and all facilities within the campus must adhere to the prescribed SOPs.

This announcement is subject to current directives issued by the relevant authorities either at the Federal or Sabah State Government, including by the National Security Council (MKN), Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), Immigration Department of

Malaysia (JIM) and Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE).

UMS students are urged to stay updated on the latest news and information from the University.


Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International)

Universiti Malaysia Sabah

12 July 2022


Pengumuman Daripada: Timbalan Naib Canselor (Akademik dan Antarabangsa)


Pengumuman Berhubung Dengan Aktiviti Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Universiti Malaysia Sabah Bagi Sesi Pengajian 2022/2023

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa sesi pengajian 2022/2023 UMS akan bermula pada 10 Oktober 2022 (Isnin), dengan pendaftaran pelajar baharu. Pelajar baharu akan mengikuti program Minggu Suai Mesra.

Sesi pengkuliahan akan bermula pada 17 Oktober 2022 (Isnin) untuk semua pelajar lama dan pelajar baharu. Sehubungan itu semua proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PdP) akan dilaksanakan secara fizikal (F2F) di semua kampus Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan dan Labuan.

Pelajar perlu menyemak jadual kuliah dalam portal masing-masing bagi memastikan perancangan dan persediaan dapat dibuat sebelum kuliah bermula.

Pelajar UMS yang akan kembali ke kampus dikehendaki mematuhi segala prosedur operasi standard (SOP) berkaitan yang dikuatkuasakan oleh pihak-pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan.

Aktiviti PdP seperti kuliah, penggunaan makmal, bilik kuliah, perpustakaan dan semua fasiliti di dalam kampus perlu mematuhi SOP yang ditetapkan.

Pengumuman ini tertakluk kepada sebarang arahan terkini yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan sama ada di peringkat Persekutuan atau Negeri Sabah, termasuk oleh Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN), Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia (JIM) dan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT). Pelajar UMS adalah dinasihatkan agar sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan dan makluman terkini oleh pihak Universiti dari semasa ke semasa.



Universiti Malaysia Sabah

7 Julai 2022




  •  Direktori Kakitangan
  • Direktori Kepakaran
  • Portal Kakitangan
  •  Portal Pelajar
  •  SmartUMS
  •  E-Respon
  •  VirtualTour@UMS
  •  UMS Institutional Repository
  •  Tempahan Ruang


  •  Peta UMS
  • Data Terbuka
  • Portal Kerajaan Negeri Sabah
  • Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT)
  • Portal Kerajaan Malaysia (MyGov)
  • UMS Investment Holdings Sdn. Bhd.