post anak seni yatimSATURDAY, 26 JULY – The underpriviledged continue to receive attention when many are busy preparing to celebrate the Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Recently, the Sabah Society of Local Art (POST’S) in collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) organised an Iftar dinner called Malam Imtihan Kasih Perdana hosted in honour of the orphans and less fortunate children.

Deputy Dean of Student Affairs, Alumni and Postgraduate FKSW, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haji Baharudin Mohd Arus when opening the charity event said the involvement of students of Arts in such programme was important as arts programme could be translated into entertainment to bring joy to the underpriviledged children present.

“The event assisted by students from the creative arts industry is able to educate them to not ignore their responsibility to this group and able to foster the spirit of volunteerism.

“Hopefully this event will continue to be held and to include more organisations and government agencies including the private sector to ensure the success of this charity programme,” he said.

Meanwhile, more than 60 children from Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Ria, Tuaran, Sekolah Kebangsaan Malawa Ria, Sepanggar and Sekolah Kebangsaan Sanzac Kota Kinabalu received gifts and cash at the event. The contributions were presented by POST’S President, Janrywine J Lusin. – MA (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

PPIB yatim1SATURDAY, 26 JULY – Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language (PPIB) organised a programme called Sejambak Kasih with the orphans at As-Sakinah Orphanage, Lok Kawi, Papar recently.

The programme was participated by 26 staff of PPIB and held during the month of Ramadan, which also became a community service programme of the centre.

Several activities were carried out such as gotong royong to clean and decorate the area, Tazkirah Ramadan by Ustazah Dg. Hafizah Ag. Basir, Iftar, Solat Maghrib, breaking of fast with the As-Sakinah inmates including donation to the orphans.

The event was also attended by Director of Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM) Sabah Zone, Haji Samin Ongki.

In his welcoming speech, Samin was grateful to those who came to the orphanage, especially from UMS, which often organise such programme.

Meanwhile, Dean of PPIB, Prof. Dr. Vincent Pang in his speech hoped that more such programmes would be carried out so as to instil in the children to be excellent in their education.

He also urged them to continue their studies at UMS in future.

At the end of the programme, Prof. Vincent presented contributions in terms of clothing, books and duit Raya to all those at the As-Sakinah Orphanage besides donating money to the orphanage fund. – SS (fl)

Source: Nelson Justin Adeh, PPIB

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

vc jumpa lee weeFRIDAY, 25 JULY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah presented cash contribution of RM5,000 to Lt. Commander Lee Vee Weng, husband of the late Ng Shi Ing, a lecturer with UMS who was involved in the MH17 fatality.

The contribution was presented in a meeting with Lee in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

According to Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun, UMS had submitted the late Ng’s pension and other payments due to the Public Service Department (PSD).

“UMS also mourn the loss of a lecturer who was very hardworking, dedicated and friendly,” he added. Also present was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Prof. Dr. Shahril Yusof, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP), Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim and an officer with the Chancellery Department, Syahrul Hazizi Asmat.

Meanwhile, Lee thanked UMS for its concern and unwavering support given.

The sadness surrounding Lee could be seen, mourning for the loss of his beloved wife and son who was involved in the 17 July fatality.

Ng Shi Ing along with her one year old son and a sister were among 298 passengers and crew who died in the plane crash, believed to have been shot down by rebels at the Russian-Ukrainian border. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

umskal tahfizFRIDAY, 25 JULY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) continues to hold various activities in conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan.

Recently, UMS through its Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL) branch delivered aid to Madrasah Tahfiz Sri Merinding.

The UMSKAL delegation was headed by its Assistant Bursar, Mohd Anuar Abdullah who represented UMSKAL Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali.

The contribution in the form of daily necessities was delivered to the Principal of the Madrasah, Haji Arif Aliskah.

The Madrasah housed 30 students aged between seven and 22 years old and hailed from Sabah, Sarawak, Peninsular Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. – SS (fl)

Source: Azri Onn

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

krums larian 7KFRIDAY, 25 JULY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah Recreation Club (KRUMS) will join the 7K Sunset Charity Run 2014 organised by Sutera Harbour in collaboration with the Kota Kinabalu City Hall on 23 August.

According to its President, Prof. Dr. Shariff Omang Al-Haj, KRUMS had offered a total of 20 places for UMS staff who were interested in participating in the run with KRUMS subsidising 35 percent of the entry fee.

KRUMS Recreation Bureau Chief, Hasmi Hashim said the response from UMS staff towards the charity run was encouraging where all 20 bookings made were snapped up within half day from the day it was advertised.

“KRUMS hopes that this healthy and charitable activity will continue to get good response in time to come,” he added.

The Charity Run will start at Sutera Harbour via Kota Kinabalu city centres as far as 7 kilometres before returning to the starting point at this resort, the pride of Sabah. – (fl)

Source: KRUMS, UMS

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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