DrShafiquzzamanTHURSDAY, 24 JULY - Dr. Md Shafiquzzaman Siddiquee, a senior lecturer at the Biotechnology Research Institute, University Malaysia Sabah, has won the 2014 International Prosper.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Award in Sustainable Agriculture Category. This prestigious award is given annually to young scientists or researchers, based in the Asia-Pacific region, who have made significant contributions in the area of Sustainable Development. Winners were chosen on the basis of 3 criteria: number of citations, number and quality of publications and patents, and documented social impact. The awards were given on 10 July 2014 in Tokyo at a symposium hosted by Hosei University.
Dr. Siddiquee is the head of the Biosensor Research Group at BRI and has been working on developing rapid diagnostic sensors. His major achievement is in the development of biosensor assay for detecting formalin and melamine in food products within 5 and 30 seconds, respectively. He has also developed a type of biofertiliser compost produced from oil palm fibres which is to be commercialised soon. Dr. Siddiquee also works on Bioprospecting (fungal biodiversity), Biomass conversion (composting of oil palm fibres and rice straw), food systems (formalin, melamine, food and beverage colouring, metals detection from drinking and waste water) and Biotechnology (drug detection, waste eggshell membrane).
He has published 40 papers in high impact ranking journals and wrote 2 books. He also has a patent and won 13 research awards. He received the Best Post Graduate Award, 2011 from University Putra Malaysia for being the most outstanding postgraduate student of the year. Dr. Siddiquee has contributed significantly in his research areas nationally and internationally and his research findings have been reported in local TV stations and various news agencies. He received the commendable service award for excellent annual performance appraisal in year 2013/2012. He had been awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze medals in competitions for research and innovation held at University Putra Malaysia and Universiti Malaysia Sabah since 2008-2014. In addition, he has attended and presented scientific papers in various national as well as international conferences. Dr. Siddiquee has reviewed scientific proposals and articles in journals of international repute.
For winning the award, Dr. Siddiquee has been offered a fellowship with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The foundation will provide travel, supplies and living expenses to spend between six and eighteen months collaborating with any research group in Germany. – (fl)

Source: Biotechnology Research Institute (IPB)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

sispa umskalWEDNESDAY, 23 JULY – A total of 70 undergrads who were members of the Civil Defence team (SISPA) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) took part in the Field Training at Pulau Papan recently.

Of the total, 50 were undergrads from Semester 2 whilst the other 20 were in Semester 4.

Also participating in the training were 15 members of the Malaysian Civil Defence Department (JPAM), 15 secretariat members and one permanent JPAM official.

The training was supervised by seven members of SISPA Semester 6 who acted as facilitator.

The programme received strong support from JPAM Labuan, Labuan Marine Department, Labuan Maritime Department and Labuan Tourism Department and officiated by UMSKAL Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali. – SS (fl)

Source: Azri Onn, UMSKAL

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

hep mpp

WEDNESDAY, 23 JULY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Student Representatives Council (MPP) recently organised a Community Service Programme and Jelajah Ramadan in efforts to bring students to mingle with the local community.
According to the Programme Director, Mohammad Nor Ain Wagen, UMS MPP prepared chicken congee together to be distributed to the Sri Pritchard Old Folks Home, Kinarut.
Speaking to media he said the two-day event also provided an opportunity for UMS MPP to reach out to the disabled by holding breaking of fast (iftar) and recreational activities with residents of Cheshire Home Sabah, an organisation for the Disabled (OKU) in Likas.
“It is also in response to the recommendation by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni) UMS, Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Hj. Mansur who wanted the MPP to be an example to other undergrads,” he said.
Mohammad said UMS MPP also contributed kitchen essentials as part of their community service programme for the fire victims at Kampung Pangkalan Kunak.
“The contribution is a sign that UMS MPP cares in helping the affected families who are forced to bear the burden, especially during this coming Aidilfitri,” he said.
Also contributing were individuals, Seranta (FELDA) Sabah, Department of Social Welfare and Kunak District Office. – ZMD (fl)

Source: Student Affairs Department (HEP)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department




MPP FELDATUESDAY, 22 JULY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Student Representatives Council (MPP) recently held a breaking of fast (iftar) with the children of 1Suria Orphanage, Tuaran.

The event which received the cooperation of FELDA Seranta Sabah and PSK Group feted about 33 orphans from the organisation who also received contributions in the form of school bag and stationeries.

According to the Chief of Seranta Sabah, Asmarah Rikun, the event was part of their Corporate Social Responsibility and not limited to Felda Community only.

President of MPP UMS, Mohd. Fandyi Sanizam Jurup had the opportunity to give a motivational talk to the orphans before iftar.

Also present was the Executive Director of 1Suria Foundation, Datuk Raya Erom. – (fl)

Source: Student Affairs Department (HEP)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



kempen aedesTUESDAY, 22 JULY – In order to ensure the campus environment is clean and safe, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through the Department of Development and Maintenance (JPP) held an Eradication of Aedes Mosquito Campaign 2014 recently.

According to the Director of JPP, Kamisah Husin, the campaign was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief Secretary II, Ministry of Education Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Ir. Zaini Ujang who wanted all higher learning institutions (IPTA) to carry out a mosquito eradication campagin in their respective surrounding campus.

“I hope that all students and staff would together carry out this campaign to keep the campus environment and our health in check. I believe this noble effort will ensure the cleanliness in future and that UMS is always clean, lively and harmonious without the breeding of mosquitoes and other pests,” she said.

She added that the campaign will continue until the Orientation Week come September.

Meanwhile, President of UMS General Staff (KEKAUMAS), Amat Jutrah Musnih also joined other staff and shared the same sentiment in the implementation of the campaign.

“For me, such campaign should be carried out regularly in order to raise awareness among UMS community on the importance of keeping UMS clean as it is like a second home to us,” she added.

Several activities were undertaken during the campaign including removing of used containers, covering all water containers, changing of water and cleaning of flower pots, checking of gutters to ensure no stagnant water, drains cleaned and not clogged and rubbish dumped appropriately. – SM (fl)

Photos: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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