Kajian UMSMONDAY, 11 AUGUSTSharing source of knowledge element, based on the social treasure inherited from their ancestors, need to be documented to the society especially for the future generation.

According to UMS Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage Lecturer (FKSW), Mohammad Pu’ad Bebit, the prospects and source of research exists in Sabah consists of heritage inheritance in life socialization, culture objects, cultural and food that leads to documentation and thus the research.

“Ethnic diversity with various practiced lifestyles especially in the area of culture gives inspirations to the researcher to collect, record, document and publishing in the form of books or articles to be shared with the community.”

He added, studies carried out can awaken the young generation on the importance of knowing, understanding and preserving the heritage, inherited from their ancestors to them.

“At least the young generations will appreciate their heritage inherited from their ancestors. This legacy needs to be conserved and preserve until end of time,” he added during a simple ceremony while presenting a book to the Head of Village Jambongan Island, Hj. Raup Hj. Jalil. The book, entitled “Warisan Seni dan Budaya Masyarakat Kepulauan Pesisir Sabah”, written by 5 FKSW lecturers, is published by Penerbit UMS. – CD (ja)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

sidang media ultrasoundMONDAY, 11 AUGUST – A total of 97 medical doctors, lecturers and paramedics attended the Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G) Ultrasound Workshop, which ended yesterday.

The workshop organised by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) was officiated by the Deputy Dean of FPSK, Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Mustapa representing the Dean, Prof. Dr. D. Kamarudin D. Mudin.

Speaking at a press conference after the ceremony, he said the workshop was held to provide theoretical and practical training to medical practitioners to increase their efficiency in handling ultrasound equipment.

“Currently, ultrasound machines are increasingly used not only in large hospitals but also in small clinics in the private and government sectors. Thus, this kind of workshop is very timely organised to ensure that doctors and medical practitioners are skilled in using this equipment,” he said.

The three-day workshop was also attended by participants from Brunei and Sarawak. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

juhar harunJUMAAT, 08 AUGUST - ‘Nadi Negara’ Award 2013 recipient, Mohd. Juhar Harun is accepted to serve as Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) teaching staff starting from the middle of this month.

When contacted by Media Chancellory, Juhar told that he is appointed as a Graduates Fellow for UMS Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage.

“At the moment, I am preparing myself to study in the research area that I am interested. I believe that this will help me in producing output research that beneficial to the community, especially in the research field,” he added.



He is currently planning to further his master study in history, at one of the best international university.

Juhar was the former President of the Student Representatives Council (MPP) UMS 2012/2013 session.-ZMD (ja)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



OpenHseRaya3FRIDAY, 08 AUGUST – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah held a Hari Raya Aidilfitri open house at his official residence yesterday.
The open house started at 11.00 am and stretched till 5.00 pm for staff and students who took turns to offer good wishes to the Vice-Chancellor and his family.
The open house continued at night with invitation to Principal and Senior officers of UMS.
Also attended the invitation in the evening were Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Salleh Keruak and spouse, Puan Sri Raya Erom.
Aidilfitri open house this year was celebrated on a low-key to honour the tragedy that hit the country recently, which also involved a lecturer from UMS.
UMS had also decided to cancel its open house scheduled on 21 August as a mark of respect to the recent incident that struck the country. – FL

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

rasmi TCTPFRIDAY, 08 AUGUST – International relationship is vital in ensuring that biodiversity can be implemented successfully.

According to the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, the issue cannot be resolved if only one country is involved.

“The issue of biodiversity conservation is a global issue that requires each country to join forces together to make it happen. Thus, the Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) is timely as a platform to unite the global community to share information and views in addressing this issue,” he said when officiating the TCTP at UMS Chancellery Square.

Touching on the programme, Datuk Dr. Harun said this programme could foster closer ties between countries in the context of biodiversity conservation with related organisations around the world.

“In this case, UMS as the main organiser through the Institute of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ITBC) plays a key role in showing participants, to see for themselves, efforts undertaken by Sabah and Malaysia in general, in addition to sharing their expertise with the researchers involved in the conservation of biodiversity,” he added.

The three-week programme was attended by 19 participants from Brunei, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Mali, Tanzania, Uganda and Botswana. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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