Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Asasi kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Ijazah Sarjana Muda kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Master kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Kedoktoran kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Pelajar Antarabangsa kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Luar Kampus kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !




Institut Penyelidikan

Pusat dan Unit Penyelidikan

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Assoc. Prof Dr. Sharifudin Md. Shaarani


Message From The Dean

In line with the Vision, Mission and UMS Strategic Plan, the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition has progressed and adopted the Faculty's Strategic Plan 2005-2015. This action manifests the Faculty's commitment to the University's aspiration to achieve University of Excellence status.

Towards the effort to produce quality graduates who are competitive and resilient through life long learning, the school has outlined the quality policy based on MS ISO 9001:2000 to improve the quality of undergraduate teaching services.

Since its inception in 1997, about 3 years later than the establishment of Universiti Malaysia Sabah, the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition has been attached to other established schools namely Faculty of Science and Technology and lately the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology until the end of May, 2006. Now we have been accorded our own new building of the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition sited beside the scenic and majestic view of the UMS Mosque.

The new building allocated us with some 25 laboratories ranging from a food processing pilot plant to an animal house for research purposes. The Faculty's organizational structure is strengthened to intensify the skills and effectiveness of the Faculty's administrative management. The Faculty will also upgrade the infrastructure and laboratory facitlities for the convenience of students (both undergraduate and postgraduate) and increase the number of human resources, especially lecturers and tutors to fulfill the specific needs in academic.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the most invaluable support from the management of Universiti Malaysia Sabah, University's principal officials, Faculty's management personnel and staffs who help to facilitate in the operation of Faculty's activities.


About Us

The Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition was established in 1997 with the mission to produce graduates who are well equipped with knowledge and skills that are required to undertake a variety of responsibilities in the area of food science, food technology, nutrition and food service. Studies in food science cover the continuum from raw materials to food on the table for consumers. Food scientists are involved in developing ways to process, preserve, and package or store food according to industry and government specifications and regulations. With the rapidly expanding world population, the increasing demand for healthy, convenient food and the increasing concern for the safety and quality of food supply, opportunities for well trained food scientists are plenty.

Our Vision

Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition is committed in achieving academic excellence in the field of food science and technology, to achieve international recognition through the teaching and learning, research, publications and community service in addition to providing expertise in areas related to the food industry, and to produce high productivity and quality in the context of development.

Our Mission

  1. To provide world-class teaching curriculum.
  2. To provide a conducive environment to encourage research involvement of academic staff in research and scholarly publications.
  3. To provide academic staff with expertise and experience sufficient to qualify as consultants and specialists in certain fields.

Our Objectives

  1. To produce graduates equipped with knowledge as a scientist trained in an ethical and moral value to support the various responsibilities in the areas of science and food technology, nutrition and food services.
  2. To be a center for education, research, training and consultancy leading the field of science and food technology, nutrition and food services at the national and international.

Our Quality Policy

The Faculty aspires towards excellence through the instillation of quality culture and continual improvement for the undergraduate teaching in the fields of Food Science and Nutrition, Food Technology and Bioprocess, and Food Service to fulfill the customer's expectation through quality management as required by MS ISO 9001:2000, and also Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA).

Contact Info:

ico-addressFaculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
ico-phone +6088-320000 ext. 8875 (PA to Faculty Dean)  ico-fax +6088-320259
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Head Librarian
Dayang Rukiah Awang Amit
Visit Our Website:


Universiti Malaysia Sabah Library is among one of the beautiful academic library in this country.The main library is located in Kota Kinabalu main campus, and the branches are located in Labuan and Sandakan campus. The main library can accommodate about 4,000 users at a time. Apart from the typical book loan service and interlibrary book loan, this library also provides 170 cubicles for the users to study, seminar rooms and music room. There is also an auditorium and projection room. Interlibrary loan is usually obtained through post and subject to application and approval.

Materials in the library are catalogued accordingto the "Library of Congress Classification Scheme" .All information is kept in the library system known as "Virginia Technology Library System" (VTLS). Users can obtain the materials in the library by accessing an Online Public AccessCatalogue (OPAC). The systemis a user friendly system; using keyword, writer's name, title and subject for the search method. Using Booleanis also allowed. Experienced library staff will always ready to assist users in case of facing any difficulties in obtaining the wanted material.

UMS library also provided various special collections to the users, among them are Research Collections, Multimedia Collections, Children Collections and ASEANA Collections. In June 2004, UMS Library had increased another collection which also now collected the Nobel Laureate Prize winners.




The Universiti Malaysia Sabah Library was established to provide support for teaching, learning, research, innovation and publication of the University. This is accordance with the librarys' Mission "Providing comprehensive resources and services to support the university requirements in teaching, learning, research, innovation and publication".

The Universiti Malaysia Sabah Library has broadened its services. Aside from the main library and Labuan Campus, Sandakan dan Tawau Out Campus Service Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Kingfisher Clinical Block, the library also set up an Out Campus Service Centre for medical student in Sikuati, Kudat. Presently, the Library is using VIRTUA, a computerized library system and can be accessible here.

To further help the user with their learning and research, the library provide 500 computers with thin client technology for surfing of online database subscribed or just typing their project paper.

In accordance with the Library motto “serve with quality”, the UMS library will always deliver an excellence service in order to cultivate knowledgeable and resourceful society. We are also highly emphasizing on the development of information literacy program to create the information literate society particularly at UMS. Additionally, UMS library is responsible to inculcate the reading habit and long-life learning culture amongst users.

Thus, user is highly recommended to participate in any course of information literacy skills. These courses are made available by the librarian for all user categories both undergraduate and post graduate. The objective of these courses is to develop skills and user confidence while retrieving information from various resources effectively. Apart from that, it could help them in completing their research for the purpose of teaching and learning. User satisfaction is our priority and any comments and insight are warmly welcome.

Towards a world class library through development of dynamic and innovative information resources.

Providing comprehensive resources and services to support the university requirements in teaching, learning, research, innovation and publication.

To develop culturally advanced, outstanding and progressive community based on enrichment, empowerment and desire for knowledge through inculcation of a lifelong learning culture.


  •     Developing the best quality of library collection and information.
  •     Providing efficient, effective, accurate and user friendly services.
  •     Optimizing the usage of information, facilities and services.
  •     Cultivating a knowledge loving culture among the university and local communities.


We promise to:

  •     Enhance the quality and the relevancy of the library collection and information.
  •     Provide information efficiently, effectively and accurately.
  •     Provide user friendly services.
  •     Provide a conclusive learning environment.


"Serve with Quality"


Contact Info

ico-addressUniversiti Malaysia Sabah Library, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

ico-phone+6088-320000 ext 2108 (Customer Service) ico-fax +6088-320232

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Mohd. Asyraff Fong Abdullah
Visit Our Website:

About Us
UMS Sports Centre plays a role in helping the Student Affairs Department handles all forms of sports and recreational activities as well as providing related services, competitions and advisory services in the field of sports. Besides, the Sports Centre also assists in implementing Core Sports and high performance sports to contribute to the development of sports in the country.

Determined to develop an active and vibrant culture among university community and producing world-class athletes.

Determined to provide excellent services, facilities and training in the field of sports in accordance with the philosophy and vision of the University.

·         Assist and implement the National Sports agenda.
·         Improve students’ character building through sports activities.
·         Encourage participation and acculturate sports among University community.
·         Provide adequate infrastructure facilities for the development of sports for athletes and University community.
·         Improve the quality, knowledge and skills of students, officials, coaches and sports leaders.
·         Shape leadership character through participation of sports.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle culture among University community through the ‘Active Lifestyle Healthy Community’ campaign.
Organising sports activities for students and staff of the University.
Prepare and coordinate sports facilities and equipment for the needs of athletes and University community.
Coordinate training programmes on sports participated by UMS contingent.
Organise seminars, clinics and courses in sports each year.

Contact Info

ico-addressSports Centre, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

ico-phone+6088 - 320 000 ext: 3158 (General Inquiries) ico-fax +6088 - 320 125

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  •  Direktori Kakitangan
  • Direktori Kepakaran
  • Portal Kakitangan
  •  Portal Pelajar
  •  SmartUMS
  •  E-Respon
  •  VirtualTour@UMS
  •  UMS Institutional Repository
  •  Tempahan Ruang


  •  Peta UMS
  • Data Terbuka
  • Portal Kerajaan Negeri Sabah
  • Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT)
  • Portal Kerajaan Malaysia (MyGov)
  • UMS Investment Holdings Sdn. Bhd.