Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Asasi kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Ijazah Sarjana Muda kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Master kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Kedoktoran kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Pelajar Antarabangsa kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Luar Kampus kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !




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Assoc. Prof Dr. Sharifudin Md. Shaarani


Message From The Dean

In line with the Vision, Mission and UMS Strategic Plan, the School of Food Science and Nutrition has progressed and adopted the School's Strategic Plan 2005-2015. This action manifests the School's commitment to the University's aspiration to achieve University of Excellence status.

Towards the effort to produce quality graduates who are competitive and resilient through life long learning, the school has outlined the quality policy based on MS ISO 9001:2000 to improve the quality of undergraduate teaching services.

Since its inception in 1997, about 3 years later than the establishment of Universiti Malaysia Sabah, the School of Food Science and Nutrition has been attached to other established schools namely School of Science and Technology and lately the School of Engineering and Information Technology until the end of May, 2006. Now we have been accorded our own new building of the School of Food Science and Nutrition sited beside the scenic and majestic view of the UMS Mosque.

The new building allocated us with some 25 laboratories ranging from a food processing pilot plant to an animal house for research purposes. The School's organizational structure is strengthened to intensify the skills and effectiveness of the School's administrative management. The School will also upgrade the infrastructure and laboratory facitlities for the convenience of students (both undergraduate and postgraduate) and increase the number of human resources, especially lecturers and tutors to fulfill the specific needs in academic.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the most invaluable support from the management of Universiti Malaysia Sabah, University's principal officials, School's management personnel and staffs who help to facilitate in the operation of School's activities.


About Us

The School of Food Science and Nutrition was established in 1997 with the mission to produce graduates who are well equipped with knowledge and skills that are required to undertake a variety of responsibilities in the area of food science, food technology, nutrition and food service. Studies in food science cover the continuum from raw materials to food on the table for consumers. Food scientists are involved in developing ways to process, preserve, and package or store food according to industry and government specifications and regulations. With the rapidly expanding world population, the increasing demand for healthy, convenient food and the increasing concern for the safety and quality of food supply, opportunities for well trained food scientists are plenty.

Our Vision

School of Food Science and Nutrition is committed in achieving academic excellence in the field of food science and technology, to achieve international recognition through the teaching and learning, research, publications and community service in addition to providing expertise in areas related to the food industry, and to produce high productivity and quality in the context of development.

Our Mission

  1. To provide world-class teaching curriculum.
  2. To provide a conducive environment to encourage research involvement of academic staff in research and scholarly publications.
  3. To provide academic staff with expertise and experience sufficient to qualify as consultants and specialists in certain fields.

Our Objectives

  1. To produce graduates equipped with knowledge as a scientist trained in an ethical and moral value to support the various responsibilities in the areas of science and food technology, nutrition and food services.
  2. To be a center for education, research, training and consultancy leading the field of science and food technology, nutrition and food services at the national and international.

Our Quality Policy

The School aspires towards excellence through the instillation of quality culture and continual improvement for the undergraduate teaching in the fields of Food Science and Nutrition, Food Technology and Bioprocess, and Food Service to fulfill the customer's expectation through quality management as required by MS ISO 9001:2000, and also Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA).

Contact Info:

ico-addressSchool of Food Science and Nutrition, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.ico-phone +6088-320000 ext. 8875 (PA to School Dean)  ico-fax +6088-320259ico-email Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.






Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baba Musta

Visit Our Website:

Welcome to the School of Science and Technology (SST) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah. In this new millennium, SST strives to be worthy of world's recognition centers that promote excellence in research and education in science and technology where boundless opportunities of new ideas, discoveries, and meeting of minds. The SST experience will enable students to discover their full potential and equip themselves for the future. In order to nurture the research environment, SST has established four research units namely Natural Disaster Research Unit (NDRU), Water Research Unit (WRU), Seaweed Research Unit (SRU), and Sustainable Palm Oil Research unit (SPOR).

SST offers a wide range of academic programmes for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, and abundant research opportunities under a vibrant, well resourced educational and research environments. There are two categories of programmes, which are Physical Sciences (Geology, Mathematics with Economy, Mathematics with Computer Graphics, Physics with Electronics, Industrial Chemistry) and Biological Sciences (Biotechnology, Environmental Science, Conservation Biology, Aquaculture, Marine Science).

As you surf through these pages, we are confident that you will get a sense of rich, excellent standard environment and opportunities here in SST.  We appreciate your support and special interest in our organization. Wish you an exciting adventure as you explore this website. Thank you for your time.
"Strive to Build a World-Renowned Academic and Research Institution"





About Us:

The School of Science & Technology (SST) was established in 1995 with a primary aim to produce graduates in the field of science and technology in line with the aspiration of the Malaysian Government to achieve the status of an industrialized country.The main function of the school is to develop and disseminate knowledge related to science and technology through teaching, research and publications.

Being located in a region rich in natural resources (land, forest, river and sea), the priority of the school is geared towards the sustainable management of these heritages.The school has 10 undergraduate academic programmes that lead to a BSc (Hons) in biological & physical sciences. On top of this, SST also offers Master and PhD by research in all the fields of studies.

Academic Staff

The School has 60 academic staff including 8 full professors, 7 associate professors, 10 senior lecturers, 25 lecturers and 11 tutors. In terms of expertise, the School has experienced staff in a wide range of specialization including molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, genetic and plant breeding, agronomy, plant and animal ecology, physics, geology, hydrology, environmental chemistry and mathematical modelling.


  1. To develop knowledge related to science and technology through education and research.
  2. To produce graduates that have the capability and professional skill in the field of science and  technology.
  3. To provide advisory service for other schools in UMS to complement knowledge in the field of  science and technology to produce balanced and skilled graduates.


Contact Info:

ico-addressSchool of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jln UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysiaico-phone +6088-320000 ext 5887 / 5872 / 5656  ico-fax  +6088-435324ico-email Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.ico-web



08 Prof Madya Dr Rosalam Hj Sabartly copy


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosalam Hj Sabartly

Visit Our Website:

Welcome to SKTM Written by Dr. Rosalam Sarbatly

Assalamualaikum wbt and my warmest greetings to all ...

I wish to offer you my deep thanks for visiting the website of the school of Engineering and Information Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Currently, SEIT offers five core professional programmes, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, and Computer Engineering, as well as two Information Technology programmes, Computer Science and Information System Management. The integration of the Engineering and Information Technology programmes under one-roof is an innovative initiative as many of the Information Technology system have been applied in solving complex engineering problems. A few examples of integration of research between engineering and computerization are the production of advance material chips, building structure design, intelligent process control to control chemical plants, robotics to manufacturing industries, and artificial intelligence in satellite radar and aerospace technologies. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the application of downstream computerization is also important to aid information system management especially in the era of the world without boundaries, and to improvise media telecommunication system. SEIT will focus 40% of its strength to improve its academic quality. Academic quality audits, which will be done continuously by experienced external and internal academicians, as well as representatives from industries who are the stakeholders. Studies on Outcome-based education will also be executed to examine the success of each output of programmes and courses offered. Apart from the OBE, it is also mandatory for all Engineering Accreditation body or well-known as Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) every four years. The four professional programmes, i.e. Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering have already obtained the accreditation certificates in the past, with Computer Engineering being accredited in August 2007.Outcome-based will also be implemented for Information Technology programmes, while an effort to obtain a relevant accreditation body is still in progress.

With respect to its internationalization aspect, SEIT will maintain the tradition of 1:10 ratio of expatriates to local lecturers. In research, in line with University’s visions and philosophies to achieve international recognition, SEIT will focus 40% of is strength to venture into advanced research such as advanced membrane, nanofluids/nanoparticles, advanced material, artificial intelligence, product formulation, microencapsulation, and others which have vast implications in the science and technology arena. The available natural resource influences the priority of research. As Sabah is a state that has abundant land which is rich in natural resources as well as a significant coastline, SEIT will make this aspect of Sabah as a research impetus. Among the research focus will be extraction and refining of the resources of the forest and sea, environmental engineering such as industrial wastewater treatment, basic infrastructure development research such as transportation system for sea, air and land, and safety control system to monitor erosion at the wide coastal borders. Other than development in advanced subjects, SEIT also plays an important role in the realization of university’s vision as a people’s university. In this context, SEIT has planned to utilize 20% of its strength to execute research in developing community’s quality of life. To achieve this objective, SEIT will utilize a “development of life quality based on local resources” approach. This objective will be implemented by integrating advanced research technologies to develop local resources, for instance, development of renewable energy research such as solar energy, wind energy as well as wave and gravity energy, housing development research based on local resources, the application of nanotechnology to produce clean water and the application of existing technology to increase the production of small-scale industries. It is SEIT’s hope to a leader in developing local resources to increase the economic level of community and to become the preferred educational hub for student from neighboring countries such as Negara Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and all the countries in the Asia Pacific region.


 About Us:

The School of Engineering and Information Technology was established in 1996 to meet the increasing needs of skilled manpower of the country in the field of engineering and information technology. The goals for the establishment of the school are in line with the mission of UMS to become an innovative university. The school strives to foster and promote an environment conducive to teaching and learning as well as excellence particularly in engineering and information technology. The objectives of the school are as follows:

  • To develop programme of study relevant to industrial and national needs
  • To produce skilled graduates in engineering and information technology who can contribute to nation building and wealth creation
  • To train graduates who have strong fundamentals in relevant areas but at the same time are competent in his or her chosen field of study
  • To equip the students with the necessary knowledge and skills in problem solving and analytical thinking
  • To expand and broaden knowledge by means of research in engineering and information technology

The programme, curriculum and courses are designed to prepare students with the necessary skills and knowledge for their careers in business, consulting, marketing, information technology, education and other fields To achieve these objectives the school always works in collaboration with industries and various agencies so that programmes are consistently relevant to the needs of the industry.


Contact Info:

ico-addressSchool of Engineering & Information Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jln UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu Sabah Malaysiaico-phone+6088-320000 ext 3991  ico-fax +6088-320348ico-email Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya.ico-web


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