Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Asasi kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Ijazah Sarjana Muda kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Master kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Kedoktoran kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Pelajar Antarabangsa kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !

Kami mengalu-alukan anda untuk meneroka
program Luar Kampus kami

KeperluanProgramMohon sekarang !




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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim
Visit Our Website:

Message from the Dean

Assalammualaikum and greetings to all,

First and foremost, I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone in School of Education and Social Development (SESD), especially the new batch of students for Semester 1, 2012/2013 Session, all of whom start a new chapter of their lives as the students of University Malaysia Sabah from September 2th, 2012. Not forgetting the returning students in their second, third and fourth year of study whose semester begins on September 7, 2012.

Effective this year, all public higher learning institutions will be using a new academic calendar whereby the new semester intake will start every September. University Malaysia Sabah also follows suits in the bid to respond to this global need to ensure that it can stay on par with overseas universities. This move will see the benefit of garnering more interests from international students.

As the students in the School of Education and Social Development, University Malaysia Sabah, it is my sincerest wish that you can achieve excellence in every possible aspect. This is crucial since you are the future teachers who will prominently shape the future generation. I am very confident that by helping each other, and cooperating with fellow classmates, these will pave your way towards excellence. Always be reminded of your loved ones’ hopes upon yourselves.

I would also like to welcome back the academic and administrative staff of School of Education and Social Development after a long semester break and holidays. Let us work together towards achieving excellence for the school.

Thank you.


 About Us:

The School of Education and Social Development offers dynamic courses whereby students can enroll in excellent education programs at certificate, undergraduate and postgraduate level.  The School of Education and Social Development looks at developing teacher’s professionalism by emphasizing a balanced involvement from both the individual and community.    To prospective teachers, the School of Education and Social Development is an exceptional place to start your career as an educator.   Besides that, the School strives to provide the best knowledge and experience to improve the level of teaching profession.

The School of Education and Social Development was established in 1995 as part of the academic schools in University Malaysia Sabah.  It started operation with four lecturers at Jalan Tuaran Temporary Campus.   The first group was made up of nineteen students from the Bachelor of Education program (intake 1995/96). Currently, the School of Education and Social Development is offering education until postgraduate level (part time and full time) through research and course work.

The new building for School of Education and Social Development (SESD) was completed in January 2002. We house modern facilities such as Micro-Teaching rooms, computer laboratories, a gymnasium and a mini-auditorium. Since its establishment, the SESD has made strides in all aspects.  SESD offers a variety of challenging and stimulating programs in the field of early teacher education and postgraduate.

In line with the National Education Philosophy (NEP), the programs offered by the School of Education and Social Development highlights three elements:

  1. Education which enhances human development as responsible individuals to God, society and the environment
  2. Education which reflects University Malaysia Sabah philosophy and the nation’s aspirations.
  3. Education which develops intellectual mindset and behavior and service above self to mankind.


Contact Info:

ico-addressSchool of Education and Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jln UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

ico-phone(+6)088-320117, (+6)088-320000 ext 2509 (Administration Office)  ico-fax (+6)088-320268

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murnizam Hj. Halik
Visit Our Website:

Message from the Dean

Welcome to the School of Psychology and Social Work, or commonly known as SPsiKS, the first school of Psychology in Malaysia.

As Dean of SPsiKS, I would like to welcome you to the School's website. We hope that you will find these pages informative and interesting, whether you are considering applying for admission, looking for information or simply browsing.

The School takes pride in its excellent programs and superior faculty. To date, we offer five different programs with a student population of around 1000 and growing every year. Our school is actively engaged in research and creative activities. Similarly, the School values highly the interaction between student and teacher in the classroom. The school, staff, and administrators who form the backbone of our undergraduate and graduate programs are committed to providing you a rewarding educational experience.

Our School aims to be national leader in providing education and training, advancing an understanding of human behavior. Our commitment is to continue to make significant contributions to our community and society well into the future.

Visit us in person or on the Web. We will enjoy talking to you, and you might discover that much of what is valuable in life is to be found in the School of Psychology and Social Work. Personally, I look forward to seeing you here on campus.




About Us

School of Psychology and Social Work (SPKS) was established in 1997 to provide skilled human resources and professionals to meet national challenges and overcome the growing social problem. School program combines disciplines from Psychology and Social Work, where social work and counseling  are more focused on prevention and problem solving skills for  graduates and to address social problem.

In addition, all of this mutual complement and  discipline are perfected each others so that it capable of producing graduates who are skilled and competent as a planner, administrators, researchers, managers, social workers and professional counselors who are creative, dynamic and skilled and competent to meet the needs of developing countries.

SPKS have the following goals:

Produce psychologists who are trained and qualified as administrator for the community, for social treatment and other tasks for the benefit of society.

  • Produce graduates who are recognized by the profession of psychology, counseling and social work
  • Produce graduates that are recodnized by the profession of Psychology, counseling, and social work.
  • Provide freedom of creativity among students and through case studies and research projects in psychology, community development and counseling appropriate to the circumstances and demands of local communities
  • Maintain excellence and make UMS a leading institutions in education, training and research in psychology, community development and counseling


Contact Info:

ico-addressSchool of Psychology and Social Work, University Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, MALAYSIA.

ico-phone+6088-320000 ext. 8011, 8143, 8145, 8833 ico-fax +6088-320101

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Assoc. Prof. Abdul Jamal Hamid
Visit Our Website:

Message from School Dean



Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Allah swt. kerana atas limpah dan kurniaNya, We are blessing that our school keeps moving and growing to brings aspirations to becoming an eminently known art institution in Borneo and more importantly in Sabah.

To get recognition from others, I encourage my fellow staffs to enhance their individual potential by having more research & development (R & D) and publication activity. Thus, integration and credibility will become a priority as an academician that also brings professionalism in their career.

To our beloved students, I would like to take this opportunity wishes you all the best and take the venture in this school to gain cognition as much as your lecturers do. Furthermore, this will enlighten your family’s aspirations and our government’s vision to a developed country. I cajole to all of you to grab as much as many opportunities during your embark, avoid negative activities, always positive and keeps growing to become an excellent graduate. Good luck and I wish all of you a bright future.




About Us

The School of Arts was formed on the 13th of April 1999. Its main objective is to produce arts specialists and artists who understand the science, technology and industry related to the field of arts. It is part of the school's vision to grow along with our progressive nation and create inventors who are capable of envisioning and absorbing simultaneously the knowledge of arts and humanities. The human factor, the society, the environment and the most advance technological knowledge that influences the expansion of the arts field are among the factors that contributed to the formation of the courses in each of the programs offered by this school.

The School of Arts also take into consideration the factors that contribute to the creation of a graduate who is not only skilled in a single field of the arts but also possesses the intellectual acumen to fit into the corporate world as well as the world of entertainment. This is inline with the needs  of a developing country whose vision is to improve the skills of its citizens by applying their knowledge to achieve their goals in a new era.

This school is dedicated to providing visual arts studies, creative writing studies and performing arts studies through its three programs. They are the Creative Arts Program, the Music Program, the Visual Arts Program. The courses are conducted in classes, labs, performance theaters as well as individual industries specified for training by talented, well-trained and experienced teaching staff. It is the aim of this school to be an excellent centre for arts education for both undergraduate and post-graduate studies. The school hopes to encourage the undergraduates and graduates to take advantage of Borneo's multiethnics society that comprises more than 30 different groups which provide vast opportunities for research in various disciplines of the arts and culture.


ico-addressSchool of Arts, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jln UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia

ico-phone+6088-320342 ico-fax + 6088-320344

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Prof.Dato' Mohd. Hamdan Adnan

Visit Our Website:

Message from School Dean

Alhamdulillah, puji dan syukur saya panjatkan ke hadrat Allah s.w.t atas limpah dan kurniaNya

Sekolah Sains Sosial terus melangkah ke hadapan dengan wadah perjuangan akademik dan melahirkan modal insan yang bersahsiah tinggi. Sejak ditubuhkan pada 1995, Sekolah Sains Sosial kini menawarkan enam (6) program pengajian iaitu Komunikasi, Hubungan Industri, Sosiologi dan Antrapologi, Hubungan Antarabangsa, Geografi dan Sejarah selaras dengan memenuhi keperluan pasaran kerja semasa yang kompetitif. Kursus-kursus yang ditawarkan direkabentuk bukan sahaja tertumpu pada aspek-aspek akademik tetapi juga memberikan pendedahan kepada para pelajar dalam mempersiapkan diri mereka menghadapi dunia pekerjaan. Ini termasuk membentuk modal insan yang berdaya-saing di persada antarabangsa misalannya melalui program pertukaran pelajar dengan universiti-universiti di luar negara. Persekitaran yang indah dan kondusif, kemudahan yang lengkap serta jalinan rangkaian yang luas dengan institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi di dalam dan luar negara memastikan peluang-peluang kerjasama dalam hal-hal akademik, penyelidikan dan penerbitan sentiasa terbuka luas.

Sekolah Sains Sosial beriltizam untuk mencapai kecemerlangan akademik di dalam dan luar negara serta memartabatkan ilmu dalam mendukung misi dan visi universiti iaitu "Bertekad Cemerlang'.

Akhir kata daripada saya, selamat datang ke gudang ilmu yang tersohor di Sabah, Negeri di Bawah Bayu dan di sini saya juga mengalu-alukan mana-mana pihak yang berminat untuk datang melawat Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) khususnya Sekolah Sains Sosial (SSS).




About Us

The School of Social Sciences (SSS) was established in 1995 when Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) received its first intake of students. It was formed to fulfil the need for developing knowledge in the social sciences by offering courses from various programmes to produce graduates who are able to contribute to the development of the country.

SSS strives to excel in areas of teaching and community service. Hence, the School endeavours to empower would-be graduates to ensure that they become responsible, dedicated and ready to serve the nation.

The main aims of the School are:

  • To disseminate knowledge in the social sciences and related fields through teaching and research, as well as to broaden courses and degrees offered.
  • To produce competent graduates who are ready to serve the nation for peace and prosperity.
  • To establish relations between UMS and the private, industrial and government sectors, at the national and international levels.
  • To strengthen ties between institutions of higher learning from within and outside the country.

Academic Staff

Professors, Associate Professors and Lecturers in the School of Social Sciences are Masters and Doctoral Degree holders from local and overseas universities. They are widely acknowledged for their high academic standing and research expertise.


Contact Info

ico-addressSchool of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jln UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

ico-phone(+)6088-320102 ext. 1771 ico-fax (+)6088-320242

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