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program Pelajar Antarabangsa kami

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Dr. Ag. Asri Ag. Ibrahim

Visit Our Website:

Message from the Dean

Thank you for considering graduate school program at the Labuan School of Informatics Science, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). The graduate pack will provide an overview of the campus, the degree programs offered here and the cost of graduate study.

Informatics occupies a special place in graduate education. Our libraries, computer laboratories, and faculty have made us a conducive environment for a dynamic graduate education. Informatics also has a long-standing commitment to provide graduate opportunities for a diverse population and disciplines. Our programs are enriched by the variety of cultural, economic, and educational backgrounds of our students, faculty, and staff.

Beyond the academic realm, Informatics at Labuan boasts a visually stunning campus and proximity to the calming and breathtaking South China Sea. Campus and city events include poetry reading, concerts, theater, lectures, and a wide range of outdoor and sporting activities.

Choosing to undertake graduate study and then finding the right place to do so are highly important decisions. I encourage you to learn as much as you can about Informatics at Labuan campus and the program that interests you. Visit the campus if possible; meet our students and talk with members of the faculty. If you are unable to visit us in person, be sure to contact a faculty member in your field of study who can discuss the variety of facilities and resources available at Informatics.

I hope you'll find that Informatics offers the breadth and vision in its graduate programs that you seek, and that you will consider becoming part of this dynamic academic community.




About Us

The Labuan School of Informatics was established in May 1999 to support students' learning in the field of information technology which is characterised as the "Soft Science" and oriented towards the business environment.

It is widely recognised that, to be economically competitive in the global economy, the country needs to achieve and maintain a rate of technological development at least equal to that of international competitors. The ability to manage new technology and to ensure high levels of product quality are the essential skills that are required if the country wishes to compete in the world markets.

Currently, advances in computers, interactive technologies and the Internet have enabled video, audio and text information to be processed and presented collectively as a single multimedia document. Over the next decade, the internet and the web promise many exciting developments. The internet is the fastest growing segment of the computer industry. E-commerce is another aspect of the web that is gaining tremendous interest. The Labuan School of Informatics has taken this challenge by offering two high demand courses; Multimedia Technology and E-Commerce.

Both programmes have been designed to enable students to put theoretical concepts in practice via the usage of Digital Media Technology through various technology facilities. Graduates of these courses will have acquired skills that will be of value to companies, large and small, who are exploiting the benefits of this growth area.

Besides that, Labuan School of Informatics was the first Malaysian Public University to introduce an e-commerce programme and the first University in Malaysia that concentrates only on soft-IT.


Labuan School of Informatics Science is determined to be a center of excellence in the field of information technology that is innovative, creative and world-class


Labuan School of Informatics Science is committed to be excellence in the field of scientific and information technology to achieve international recognition through teaching, learning, research, publications, community service and balanced specialization of knowledge and personality development of students to produce high productivity and quality based on current needs and aspirations in the context of community and national development.

1. To produce students with skills such as:

  1. Technical skills: The courses offered include technical skills such as object oriented programming skills, database management concept and network systems and telecommunications.
  2. Business management skills:  The course offering is not limited to technical-based and technology courses only, but SSIL also offers basic courses such as business, marketing, management and entrepreneurship in technology. These courses are able to provide opportunities for students to choose either to explore the field of entrepreneurship in technology or working with other technology companies.
  3. Interpersonal skills: Through final year projects and industrial training that must be carried out by final year students, they are given the opportunity to integrate technical and business management skills acquired during their studies in universities. Exposure to the real problems and the encouragement of optimizing creativity is the main goal of SSIL.

2. Meet the demands of national knowledge-worker

Knowledge-worker or k-worker is a skilled worker and recognized as an enabler of an organization and idea contributor to the solutions of an organization. The definition clearly shows that the k-worker production is very important to the country and can be an asset to any organization. SSIL through dynamic courses offered are able to produce graduates who not only have technical skills and technology but also capable of adapting these skills at all levels of an organization's operations.


  • Develop and provide a better environment for research, teaching and learning by developing the knowledge of information technology.
  • Provide a balanced program in terms of theory and practical that will form the foundation for the formation of the students in their professional careers in information technology.
  • Improve and to position the school at national and international level in terms of research, teaching and learning.
  • Provide opportunities for students in their career development through quality education.
  • Ensure the quality of courses leading to the recent, new techniques and in line with industry needs.


Contact Info:

ico-addressLabuan School of Informatics Science, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Labuan International Campus, Jalan Sungai Pagar, 87000 Labuan F.T., Malaysia.

ico-phone+6087-460445 ico-fax +6087-465155

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Dr. Sitti Raehanah binti Muhamad Shaleh

Visit Our Website:

Message from Dean

The growing world population has urged the modern agriculture to support the highly demand for food. Modern agriculture practices is known of capable to produce more food in shorter time, less land usage and more reliable. At the School of Sustainable Agriculture (SAA), education and research in 3 major scopes of studies (crop production, horticulture and landscape and livestock production) are designed to integrate science and technology and strong practical module to train our students into modern agriculture that never compromising the environmental health. As appropriately named, sustainability is the priority of our school and we are proud to be the leading institution in promoting sustainable agriculture.

I would like to welcome you to our beautiful campus in Sandakan. The new campus with total land area of about 245 acres has been an advantage to our students for innovative farming practices. At the main building, laboratories are equipped with sophisticated facilities to meet the need for teaching and research in agricultural biotechnology. For students comfort, modern hostels are built within the campus to facilitate our students to commute from farms and lecture halls. Our academic staffs are the experts in various agricultural fields, thus I wish all the students to grab the opportunities to learn as many knowledge as possible from them. Good luck and enjoy the campus life.




About Us

The School of Sustainable Agriculture was established on 4 May 2006 with the aim of training manpower in the fields of crop production, livestock production and horticulture and landscape who will assist in improving the agriculture sector of the country based on three main principles – Sustainability, Awareness and High Technology. This school will also play a role in developing and providing latest knowledge on agriculture through teaching and research. Through learning, research, innovation and extension of sustainable agriculture this school aspires to become a centre of learning in the field of agriculture.


The School of Sustainable Agriculture endeavours to become a prominent centre of agricultural knowledge in this region based on Sustainable, Sensitive and High Technology principles.


The School of Sustainable Agriculture endeavours to produce graduates who have acquired a well-balanced, excellent knowledge of international standards in agriculture through teaching and learning, research, publications and social work.  


The main goals of the school's programs are to produce graduates who can contribute to the skilled and knowledgeable manpower in the field of agriculture and are able to compete at both national and international levels. The graduates should possess the following characteristics:

  1. High achiever, integrity, entrepreneurship and sensitive to the issues of environmental conservation.
  2. Have vast knowledge in management of various aspects of conventional and contemporary agriculture.
  3. Adaptable to changes in technology development in the agricultural sector.
  4. Apt and efficient to act as sound farm entrepreneurs and agricultural


Contact Info:

ico-address School of Sustainable Agriculture, Jalan Sg. Batang, Mile 10, UMS Sandakan Campus, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah Malaysia

ico-phone+6089-223712/ 224720/ 220704   ico-fax +6089-220710

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Prof. Dr. D Kamarudin D Mudin

Visit Our Website:

Message From The Dean

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and greetings.

As the School of Medicine (SPU) celebrates its 9th year of excellence in medical education, I have the distinct honour of serving as its Dean. I am very pleased to welcome you to our portal at the School of Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

This portal is set up to provide visitors with the latest information related to the student affairs, available facilities, academic staff and the various programmes offered at the School of Medicine. We are happy to say that we are on the verge of getting our own teaching-hospital to be located on campus which will serve as an impetus for our young doctors.

It is also a channel for one to know the latest news, events and activities that are being either organized at the school or by the school in the university.

Dear visitors, this portal is part of our commitment in trying to provide good, efficient and fast service, consistent with the passage of time. Any constructive suggestions or comments are most welcome, which would help us to improve our service and performance as our motto is “Strive to Excel” and excel in every step and endeavour.

I take this opportunity to welcome all the visitors and wish that you all enjoy browsing this portal and get the necessary information easily that you are looking for. With this, I also hope this portal will provide inspiration and become a useful source of reference to all our visitors.


Contact Info:

ico-addressSchool of Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

ico-phone(+) 6088-320 000 ext 61113 / 61114 (Pentadbiran), (+) 6088-320 000 ext 61112 (Pejabat Dekan)

ico-fax(+) 6088-321377 (Pejabat Dekan), (+) 6088-321373 (Pejabat Pentadbiran), (+)  6088-321372 (Pejabat Akademik)

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Dr. Normah Awang Besar @ Raffie


Message from the Dean

Welcome to School of International Tropical Forestry (SITF), Universiti Malaysia Sabah.  We invite you to visit us at any time; either to further your study (undergraduate or postgraduate studies), research collaboration or networking with us. Founded in 1996,  SITF is striving to become a Center of Excellence in forestry education and research that contributes to the university, state, national, regional and global aspirations in sustainable forestry.

Currently we offer four forestry programmes for Bachelor of Forestry Science Degree; (1) International Tropical Forestry, (2) Nature Park & Recreation, (3) Forest Plantation & Agro-Forestry, and (4) Wood Fibre Industry & Technology. We also offer Doctoral and Master Degrees in various specializations of forestry study; e.g. Biomass, silviculture, recreation, nature tourism, wood technology, hydrology, forestry products and soil science.

We believe working with the community and various stakeholders is crucial in achieving sustainable management of the country’s forest resources and wood-based industries.  For this, we work closely with other government institutions (e.g. Malaysian Timber Council, State Forestry Department, and Wildlife Department), private sectors (e.g. Sabah Forest Industries, Bornion Timber, SAFODA) and foreign organizations (e.g. Tokyo University, The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Japan’s Forestry & Forest Products Research Institute and Mulawarman University).




About Us:

Forestry is a sector that received much attention either within or outside the country. This sector also plays an important role in the national economy as a source of revenue from exports of the products from the forest. Furthermore, National forest should be managed in a sustainable manner to ensure sustainable forest existence. Therefore, School of International Tropical Forestry was established in order to;

  1. Provide a solid foundation of knowledge and professional in the field of forestry and timber management capabilities that can be applied in a variety of sub-industries.
  2. Help students prepare themselves with knowledge and competitiveness in the forestry and timber careers nationally and internationally.
  3. Train graduates in the field of forestry in line with the needs of the forestry and timber country, particularly the management of natural forests and forest plantations, nature park management and recreation, as well as technology and industrial wood fiber.

School  of International Tropical Forestry (SITF) offers four programs of study for a Bachelor of Forestry Science with honors in International Tropical Forestry Program, Nature Parks and Recreation and Industry and Wood Fiber Technology and Forest Plantation and Agroforestry. For those who are interested to pursue graduate, SITF also provides postgraduate or Masters programs by coursework in the areas of Tropical Agroforestry. More information about graduate programs offered you can find the information through the Dean of Postgraduate School in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (;view=article&id=1975&Itemid=2159&lang=ms) .

School Goals

  1. Cultivating and disseminating useful knowledge and emphasize the aspects of sustainable forest management (sustainable forest management), as well as the efficient processing of forest products which produce high value-added products as well as harmony with environment quality.
  2. Generate and produce a younger generation with knowledge, technology and skills in forest treasures to manage the resources wisely.
  3. Nurturing and polishing integrity of students to be well-balanced and competent graduates at national and global levels.


ico-addressSchool of International Tropical Forestry, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

ico-phone+6088-320000 ext. 8772/8880/8583  ico-fax +6088-320876

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  • Portal Kerajaan Negeri Sabah
  • Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT)
  • Portal Kerajaan Malaysia (MyGov)
  • UMS Investment Holdings Sdn. Bhd.