TUESDAY, 23 MAY – The Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently held an Academic Retreat to discuss and improve the syllabi of all their 10 programmes offered to meet with the fast developing world of education.

The retreat was also in line with the introduction made by the Higher Education Section of the Ministry of Education Malaysia, in the Malaysian Education Development Plan 2015-2025 (PPPM 2015-2025) that outlined the 10 shifts in strengthening the education system.

According to a statement issued, the retreat was held after a series of audits performed under the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) in strengthening quality and value of the faculty’s graduates to meet employers’ demands.

The retreat was also held in preparation for the MQA audits in July 2017.

The statement added that audit checks under ISO and SIRIM would be done between three and five years on all programmes offered by FKSW to streamline all curriculum as well as academic welfare towards achieving excellence for the faculty and at the same time the university itself.

FKSW took a positive step in ensuring that UMS would be able to compete at international level by making sure that all programmes and courses offered are constantly upgraded and improved. - FL

TUESDAY, 23 MEI - Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) continues to move forward with various achievements in academics and co-curricular activities.

Recently, Lt. Colonel (PA) Associate Professor Dr. Norazah Mohd Suki, an associate professor of UMS from the Labuan Faculty of International Finance won three international awards through her outstanding publications including writing in high-impact journals.

Associate Professor Dr. Norazah’s research article entitled 'Green product purchase intention: impact of green brands, attitude, and knowledge' published in British Food Journal was selected by the journal’s editorial team as a Highly Commended Paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence.

She is the sole Malaysian lecturer won the award along with some other lecturers from leading universities.

The criteria used to judge the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence Awards are based on six areas: internationality, diversity, support for scholarly research, encouragement of applied research (impact), commitment to high quality scholarship; and a desire to ensure reader, author and customer experience is the best it can be.

The empirical results of her study addresses the gap in the prevailing body of literature in reference to the impact of green brand positioning and consumer attitude towards green brands, as well as the effect of green brand knowledge on green product purchase intention.

Her study found that green brand knowledge does not moderate the relationship between green brand positioning and green product purchase intention, thus providing insight into this subject matter, which has not been clearly examined in previous studies.

Furthermore, Associate Professor Dr. Norazah also brought honour to the university when her convincing presentation at 2nd Advances in Social Sciences Research International Conference, Bandung Indonesia which was held on 5-6 May 2017 entitled “Examining Students’ Satisfaction in Campus-Voting: A Correlation Analysis” was adjudged the Best Paper Presenter Award.

During her presentation to all international audiences, she deliberated that students’ satisfaction in campus e-voting highly associated by students’ perceived knowledge of which voters with higher perceived knowledge be likely to develop positive satisfaction in campus e-voting.

When they were knowledgeable about the party they voted for in campus, they were aware of the aspirations of the nominated candidate to uphold students’ rights, needs, and demand from the university management.

Additionally, a research collaboration of Associate Professor Dr. Norazah along with two other researchers, namely Dr. Norbayah Mohd Suki, and Azlina Bujang entitled “Structural Relationships between Disruptive Attribute Localization and Personalization on Women Consumers' Attitude to Practice Mobile Retailing” has won Best Paper Award at International Conference on Business and Social Science, which was held on 28 February - 1 March 2017, Melaka.

The Structural Equation Modeling approach was used to assess the association between variables in the hypothesis by using Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS).

Their study supports the development of a theoretical model in evaluating factors that significantly impact particularly, women consumer’s acceptance towards mobile retailing, in Malaysia.

The results from this study are valuable in designing marketing strategies, and these gender viewpoints in the acceptance of emergence technology are to some degree were overlooked in developing countries.

This research works was materialized with the financial support of the research project KPT Research Acculturation Grant Scheme (RAGS) Grant Scheme with project code RAG0073-SS-2015.

Grateful for all the encouragement and motivation especially from UMS Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, Dr. Norazah was also determined to continue to be active in conducting research and contributes to writing in high-impact journals as her contribution to society and the country.

"Achievements and acceptance of such awards were not the main goal, but I believe this is the bonus given by Allah SWT to those who are diligent and committed to their work," she added.

“I am very grateful for this recognition and it will for sure be a morale booster for me to continue achieving excellence and contribute to this university,” said Associate Professor Dr. Norazah who is known to be serious but friendly.

MONDAY, 22 MAY - A campaign, “Say it in English”, to promote the use of English at University Malaysia Sabah was launched at Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa (PPIB) recently.

The campaign, an initiative of the Student Representative Council, aims to make Tuesdays English speaking days all over the campus, for both students and academic staff. As part of the campaign, an English Club with activities, games, singing and movies in English has been running at PPIB throughout the current semester.

A “Wonder Wall” has also been installed at PPIB, where students can post creative messages in English, and a space has been made for the English “word of the week”.

The dean of PPIB, Associate Professor Dr. Jualang Azlan Gansau, officiating at the opening ceremony, noted the need to support the Ministry of Higher Education in its efforts to upgrade English ability in Malaysia.

Remarking on the campaign, he said “It is a great initiative, and it is my wish that UMS students use this platform to improve their English.” 

During his speech, the dean, whose mother tongue is Dusun, noted his own struggles to master English as a student, and urged students to strive to communicate in English despite the fact that they might not have perfect grammatical accuracy.

Support for the campaign was evident from both students and academic staff.

Deputy Dean, Mohd. Azri Ibraham commented that “we have to use our English in order to improve it.”

An English lecturer, Ms. Loh Yoke Len, echoed these thoughts, saying “students need this campaign to encourage them to use English as a medium of communication.”

John Mark Storey, the head of English, marked the occasion as “a wonderful opportunity to promote the speaking of English around the UMS campus, both inside and outside the classroom.”

Visitors from other faculties also offered their praises for the initiative.

Associate Professor Rachel Mansia, an engineering lecturer, said “I applaud the effort and I think it is the first time since UMS started that we have had such a programme.”

The English Club, popular among international students, has been successful in encouraging English use in a fun way.

A regular participant Abubakar Juma Bakari, of Tanzania, said the “Say it in English” campaign “is a good thing for our local friends” and hopes that “they will be awakened to speak English.”


Source: Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa


ISNIN, 22 MEI - Bangunan baharu Pusat Penyelidikan dan Inovasi (PPI) dan juga Pusat Instrumentasi dan Perkhidmatan Sains (PIPS) bakal memenuhi keperluan kakitangan akademik di Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

Naib Canselor UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah berkata, pembinaan bangunan itu membuktikan komitmen UMS bagi meningkatkan lagi taraf penyelidikan dan inovasi terutama golongan akademik di universiti itu.

“Dalam konteks ini, UMS meletakkan fokus sama rata dalam soal memenuhi keperluan pendidikan dan penyelidikan dalam kalangan kakitangan bagi meningkatkan lagi budaya penyelidikan dan inovasi di UMS,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap pada majlis penyerahan kunci bangunan berkenaan baru-baru ini.

Datuk Harun berkata, cetusan idea pembinaan bangunan kompleks penyelidikan yang merangkumi bangunan makmal bersepadu itu bermula pada tahun 2013. 

“Jabatan Pembangunan dan Penyelengaraan (JPP) UMS dan PPI kemudiannya telah bertungkus lumus untuk memastikan idea ini menjadi kenyataan, dan akhirnya ia diluluskan sekali gus pada hari ini, akhirnya bangunan ini siap.

“Untuk makluman, ini merupakan antara projek yang dibuat oleh JPP sendiri dengan izin Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT) dan Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR). Syabas saya ucapkan kepada JPP dan PPI serta PIPS dan semua pihak yang terlibat,” ujar Datuk Harun.

Hadir sama pada majlis itu, Timbalan Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi), Prof. Dr. Shahril Yusof; Timbalan Naib Canselor (Akademik dan Antarabangsa), Prof. Dr. D. Kamarudin D. Mudin dan Ketua Jabatan Canselori, Darwis Awang.




ISNIN, 22 MEI - Penyelidik Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) terus mempamerkan pelbagai pencapaian melalui pengiktirafan dalam penyertaan pameran penyelidikan bertaraf antarabangsa.

Terbaru, UMS sekali lagi berjaya meraih dua pingat emas dan empat perak dalam Pameran Reka Cipta, Inovasi dan Teknologi Antarabangsa (ITEX) 2017 yang berlangsung tiga hari di Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur (KLCC).

Pingat emas pertama diraih oleh penyelidik Institut Biologi Tropika dan Pemuliharaan  UMS, Dr. Takashi Kamada melalui inovasi beliau yang bertajuk “SYZYGIUM: New Anti-Fungal Nutraceuticals”.

Manakala, Dr. Chee Fuei Pien daripada Fakulti Sains dan Sumber Alam (FSSA) menyumbang pingat emas kedua UMS dengan inovasi bertajuk “Eye Tracking Electronic Wheel Chair for Physically Challenged Person”.

Penyampaian pingat emas tersebut disempurnakan Timbalan Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI), Datuk Wira Dr. Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah pada hari kedua sempena Malam Budaya Cipta.

Dr. Takashi Kamada turut mencatat nama sebagai penerima anugerah pingat perak melalui inovasi bertajuk “Novel Anti-Adult T-Cell Leukemia Drug from Bornean Red Alga Laurencia majuscula”.

Dengan inovasi bertajuk ”SSA-GIS (School Suitability Analysis Using Geographic Information Systems)”, turut bersama Dr. Takashi menyumbang pingat perak ialah Dr. Gaim @ James Lunkapis dari Fakulti Kemanusiaan, Seni dan Warisan (FKSW).

Dua pingat pingat perak selebihnya pula diraih oleh penyelidik Fakulti Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan (FPSK), Prof. Madya Dr. Maher Fouad Sefein Beshay melalui dua inovasi beliau iaitu, “Portable Capturing System for Nystagmus (PCSN)” dan “Window to the World (An Interactive Model for Extraocular Muscles”.

Pameran pertandingan inovasi dan teknologi ini merupakan pameran tahunan anjuran Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS).

Bertemakan “Inventing for a Better World”, ITEX 2017 mempamerkan lebih 1,000 rekacipta daripada peserta pelbagai negara merangkumi Korea Selatan, Arab Saudi, Iran, Thailand, Poland, Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain, Indonesia, Taiwan selain tuan rumah Malaysia.


Sumber; Pusat Penyelidikan dan Inovasi




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